Friday, November 29, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
buy custom Organic Foods are Healthier essay
buy custom Organic Foods are Healthier essay Organic foods refer to foods that are naturally produced without the incorporation of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and involvement of genetically modified organisms. The foods only involve natural processes of production and pure use of natural, organic ingredients such as decomposed cow dung. Organic foods are healthier. For instance, they have a high nutrient level, do not contain residues of pesticides, and do not involve use additives. However, opponents claim that organic foods contain bacteria that are harmful to human health. This paper explicates the view that organic foods are healthier. Organic foods contain a higher level of nutrients. Research asserts that organic foods have a higher nutrient content compared to conventional foods. Organic foods have naturally occurring nutrients that are an exceptional boost to the health of individuals. They contain phyto-nutrients that are vital for full health (Dangour, 78). The natural fertilizers used are the main contributors to the higher nutrient levels. This is because organic food crops are able to self-sustain themselves and utilize more of the natural fertilizers to produce the enormous minerals. In addition, they contain vitamin C that is vital for healthy cartilage, healing of wounds and for strong bones and teeth. Organic foods contain antioxidants that are vital for the entire functions of the body. When all these nutrients combine, they form a strong base for an individuals health. They make all the body parts strong, and the individual is able to function and work well. This summed up makes organic foods healthi er. They do not contain residues of pesticides and synthetic chemicals. These foods are planted using naturally occurring fertilizers such as animals wastes combined with other inputs. They do not involve they use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers, to boost their rate of growth. This means that they are safe for an individuals health (K.Winter and Davis, 123). The absence of pesticide use eliminates the presence of pesticides when they are ultimately harvested. These foods are those healthier because they do not pose health risks associated with chemicals. These chemicals are only found in the conventional foods. Organic foods thus contribute positively to an individuals health as they eliminate the risk of internal harm arising from the consumption of these chemicals. This means individuals are going to consume the foods on their way to full health. The absence of the chemical residues also means that other diseases associated with these chemicals would not attack individuals (Inst itute, 2). They will minimize cases of other diseases such as heart problems or even high blood pressure leading to a healthier generation. Research indicates that the absence of residues relating to chemicals has lead to reduced numbers of people living with the threats of being affected with diseases linked to the problem. Organic foods have led to the reduction in the level of additives that are intended to make food more appealing. The rule behind organic foods asserts that no additives should be incorporated in these foods. According to research, organic foods are viewed to promote better healthy especially among children because they do not encourage the use of additives such as flavors and artificial sweeteners (Fookes, 22). This would thus reduce the level of hyperactivity among most individuals. The elimination of additives from these foods is vital for healthier living among individuals all over the globe. Research asserts that the use of additives could lead to other related problems such as high blood pressure or even heart attacks among people. The lack of additives in these organic foods makes them healthy because of the elimination of the looming health risks arising from flavors or sweeteners (Institute, 4). These additives could lead to further health effects such as the rotting of the t eeth. This is especially common among the sweeteners. The ellimination of the use of additives by organic foods is vital as individuals lead a life free from health threats and fears. On the other hand, opponents claim that organic foods contain some bacteria, which could be, consumed leading to health problems. Those who oppose the view that organic food is healthier claim that this food is planted using natural chemicals leaving bacteria in them. They claim that some bacteria come up in the process of decomposing the natural fertilizers. They further claim that these foods are unchecked especially in matters relating to the control of bacterial levels (Dangour, 100). Research asserts that the fertilizers used are naturally processed without being treated. In this line, opponents claim that individuals end up consuming the bacteria in the food leading to the liver and kidney diseases. They claim that these foods are unfit for human consumption because they are not monitored and treated during their growth period. According to research conducted by critics, animal droppings are not safe and ready to use until treated. They thus hold to the position that these food s are not healthier due to their high bacteria levels. In conclusion, organic food is healthier. Individuals would grow healthier through the consumption of organic foods. This would be because they contain a higher level of nutrients. They contain nutrients such as Vitamin C, which leads to stronger cartilage and teeth. Organic foods are not associated with pesticide and chemical residue. This is because they are grown naturally using natural fertilizers. This ensures the chemicals leading to healthier leaving do not affect individuals. In addition, these foods discourage the use of additives such as food colors. On the other hand, critics assert that these foods have a higher level of bacteria. They claim that the bacterium is consumed by individuals leading to poor health. Organic commodities are healthier and should be adopted all over the globe for better living among individuals. Buy custom Organic Foods are Healthier essay
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Brand image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Brand image - Essay Example Using Microsoft as an example, the study focuses on image branding in relation to benefits that come alongside proper use of image brands. Whereas the current brand image of the Apple Company is that of an apple, for a long time, Microsoft Logo has been that of a four-paned window. Although the company frequently improves it by changing its fonts as well as improving imagery and colors, has not lost the reputation. According to studies, companies that have well respected brands not only do they withstand competition but also attract many consumers. It is therefore evident that a brand is similar to an asset; this is because through it, apart from having great financial value, a company also becomes more powerful in the field of business (Web Notes 1). According to research, when it comes to product categories, leading brands usually top the list, normally in relation to profitability. In most cases, established brands normally come up with effective communication tools in the field of business. For instance, apart from charging more for their products, these companies spend less capital in marketing; this is because the brand does most of the work when it comes to marketing (Web Notes 1). For a company to be on top of the game when it comes to wooing consumers, it ought to be frequently improving its image. This is because when an image is not dynamic, it normally portrays a negative image for a company. Since new companies are ever on the rise, frequent improving of brands is normally beneficial for a company. For instance, Microsoft has recently been in the limelight for its new brand image. During his first public appearance, Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella clearly stated that the company was in the process of coming up with an image overhaul (Edwards 1). In an unveiling ceremony for ipad’s Microsoft office, Julia White was the talk of social media sites, this was due to her stylish jacket. According to Edwards (1), already there are numerous
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Brief report Government and not for Profit Accounting Case Study
Brief report Government and not for Profit Accounting - Case Study Example Some governments set up independent bodies to formulate guidelines that are followed in the process of financial reporting. These bodies come up with rules and regulations that are followed by these entities. These independent bodies also determine which institutions are supposed to submit financial reports. This paper aims at illustrating a good understanding of the need for financial reporting by the government and private entities. This is going to be achieved by discussing the importance of regulation of financial reporting by government and not-for-profit entities. The regulation of financial reporting serves the purpose of acting as a check and balances system. The system is meant to limit the powers of the government on spending public finances, raising taxes to cover government spending. Regulation on financial reporting also helps shed light on government plans of public money expenditure (Ruppel, 2009 p201). This requires the government to state the amount of finances it ho lds and the nature of its intended expenditure. The purpose of government financial reporting is to provide information that facilitates decision making by different institutions. These institutions are citizens of that country, citizen representatives and private business entities. Intergovernmental agencies can also be described as parties that benefit from government financial reporting. ... The purpose of these objectives is to give information that facilitates decision making by various institutions with stakes (Earnst & Young, 2011 p 523). Accountability is the main objective of government financial reporting because it transfers responsibility from citizens to another body. The analysis of accountability is met when financial reporting facilitates the use of financial data in determining the extent of current expenditure supported by current income. There are two basic types of budgets that are used by both governments and corporate entities. These include capital budgets and annual operating budgets. Government annual operating budgets are expenditure appropriations for a specific fiscal year and estimated revenues. Capital budgets constitute the expenses incurred in fixed asset acquisition and government construction projects like laying down of infrastructure. Governments record these budgets as a means of compliance or control (Hussey, 2010 p174). Not-for-profit entities are those organizations or institutions whose activities are focused on other objectives other than making a profit. They include non-governmental organizations involved in charity work and other community based projects that the government cannot fulfill adequately. Not-for-profit entities face a challenge when it comes to financial reporting as laid down by ASSB. This is because they lack the same financial structure and background like the government. Not-for-profit entities do not have revenue-generating sources like the government, which means they cannot adopt the same budgetary procedures like the government. Their main source of operating funds comes from grants and donations, from charitable
Monday, November 18, 2019
Management Philosophy Final Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management Philosophy Final Paper - Essay Example The management model used by the management is also a determinant of the relationship that will be created with the employees. Competency is also required of the employees as it plays an essential role in ensuring that the mangers are able to carry out their duties effectively. The paper is thus a management philosophy regarding best management practices. As a manager, I prefer an organization that is flexible and the leadership is democratic. According to the participative theory of leadership, the leader should always take into account the input of the others and also ensure that the other people are encouraged to participate and make their own contributions. The use of such models encourages flexibility and teamwork which is essential in enhancing the success of an organization. On the other hand, I would like to work where the organizational culture promotes flexibility and teamwork. This is because a good relationship among the employees can be attained through teamwork and close working relationship among the team members. As a manager and employee, I also prefer working in an organization that has effective communication. Effective communication is an important tool that enables the employees to understand the issues that are taking place in the organization (Hatten, 8). I believe that ethics at the workplace is important and should be considered before making any managerial and business decision. On the other hand, it is also important to note that the brand image of an organization is dependant on how ethical it is. The confidence of the clients is usually enhanced by the presence of high ethical standards. Any form of unethical behavior has negative impacts on the image of the organization. I therefore believe that the concepts of ethics should also be incorporated in an organizational culture of an organization. As a manager and employee, I would not work in any organization that is engaged in unethical
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Privatisation of Local Government Services
Privatisation of Local Government Services Privatisation in Local Government: Westminster City Council and Islington Council Introduction Privatisation is referred to as â€Å"the transfer of the transfer of ownership and control of State-owned enterprise (SOE)†, to the private sector. (Bortolotti et al., 2000; Siniscalo et al., 2001). Privatisation has become a major trend in the developed economies, the developing economies, as well as in emerging market economies. In Great Britain, privatisation began in the later 1970s during the reign of the Thatcher government. It later spread across other countries and continents to become a distinguishing feature of â€Å"fin de sicle capitalism†. (Bortolotti et al., 2000; Siniscalo et al., 2001). Privatisations are now common to most countries taking place across geographical regions and economic sectors. The 20 year period 1977 to 1997 witnessed 1,865 deals in more than 100 countries worth approximately US$750billion. (Bortolotti et al., 2000). Between 1977 and 1999, the total deals reported amounted to 2,459 in 121 countries worth US$1,110billion. (Siniscalo et al., 2001). The The World Bank suggests that global SOE value added witnessed a decline from 9 percent of GDP in 1978 to 6 percent of GDP in the 1978-91 period. In addition, privatisation has also had a tremendous impact on financial markets. In July 1998 for example, privatised SOEs had a combined market capitalisation of US$1.5trillion. (Bortolotti et al., 2000) and by 2001 the combined market capitalisation had risen to $3.31 trillion. (Siniscalo et al., 2001; Megginsson and Netter, 2001). It is often believed that privatisation leads to more efficient and effective management of the enterprise which should in turn generate superior shareholder value. However, Siniscalo et al. (2001) notes that few governments have completely transferred ownership of SOEs to the private sector. This is evidenced by the fact that only 30 percent of the 617 companies being considered sold the majority of stock in the reported public offerings between 1977-1999. In addition, there was no privatisation in 11 out of the 67 countries included in their study indicating that there is still greater control in the hands of the state. (Siniscalo et al., 2001). There are therefore a number of questions that need to be addressed including: why governments privatised; why some countries accomplish large scale privatisation while other never privatise at all; how governments privatise; why some governments privatise big stakes while others do it partially. (Siniscalo et al., 2001). In this, we provid e an analysis of a Local Government – Westminster City Council and Islington Council in London and their agendas on privatisation. Background The U.K remains the leading country towards privatisation among European countries in terms of the amount of state assets that have been sold so far. (David, 2002). However, other European countries are making efforts to catch up with the U.K with their interest in privatisation driven mainly by the U.K example, technological change and the European single market programme aimed at removing non-tariff barriers to trade in the E.U. (David, 2002). The main assumption of privatisation is that competitive markets are more efficient than monopolies in managing the resources of the state. It is often assumed that SOEs can be better managed by the private sector. According to the Audit Commission, the market mechanism has reduced service costs and improve service quality. Approximately  £80million has been saved as a result of recent efficiency improvements in corporate services as a result of the market mechanism. (Audit Commission, 2007). The concept of Privatisation was pioneered by th e U.K through the introduction of the Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT) in 1981 allowing the private sector to compete to deliver public services, the objective was ‘†¦to improve the efficiency of services that had previously been provided by the councils themselves.’ (Audit Commission, 2008). The Local Government Planning and Land Act (1980) and the Local Government Planning Act (1988) require local authorities to subject more and more of their services for competitive tendering. (Frederick, 1994). The services covered by the CCT can be performed by the local authority’s own employees only on the condition that the tender bid for the contract to provide those services is won by the in-house organisation. The services covered under CCT as defined by the 1980 Act include new construction; building maintenance; and some highway work. The 1988 Act extended the list to include refuse; building cleaning; street cleaning; schools and welfare catering; other catering; grounds maintenance; repair and maintenance of vehicles; and management of leisure facilities. The list was again extended through powers granted to the Secretary of State and the Local Government Act 1992 to include part or all of each of the following services: management; security; architectural; engineeri ng; property management; finance; personnel; legal; computing; corporate and administrative; housing management; home-to-school transport; libraries and theatres. (Federick, 1994). Since its institution, there have been significant benefits of CCT in terms of cost savings and in improvements in service quality. (Frederick, 1994). In-house organisations have often been supplemented by efficient private sector suppliers. Some of the contracts have been won by direct service organisations or direct labour organisations which c operate in very small sizes, are more cost conscious and responsive. These organisations have also improved the productivity and quality of service. (Frederick, 1994). Despite the benefit of CCT Federick (1994) observes one problems with the CCT. Under the CCT, local authorities are not allowed to undertake the provision of certain services in-house. Local authorities must therefore forgo the alternative of undertaking the activity in-house even if the in-house options turns out to be the most cost-effective approach. This is unlike the case for private sector organisations that can review the balance between organisation costs and transacti ons costs and decide, on the basis of cost-effectiveness, whether to outsource or to undertake the activity in-house. (Federick, 1994). The benefits of CCT can therefore be placed under two categories including; (i) improved organisational management ( resulting from clearer objectives, articulation of standards and setting of targets, better monitoring, reorganisation of work to improve productivity, reduction of waste, etc) achieved in response to the stimulus of competitive comparison (and thus the prospect of contracting out); (ii) substitution of (lower) transaction costs for (higher) organisational costs. (Frederick, 1994). CCT encourages competition among service providers and thus ensures that local authority services are provided efficiently. Taxpayers therefore achieve greater value for their money. However, the main problem with CCT is that customer value requirements are determined by the local council or authority and not by the taxpayers (or consumers) of the services provided by the local authorities. The best CCT can do for consumers is that it is capable of securing the most efficient provision of the services that the local authorities deem as necessary to be provided, not those actually wanted by the consumers. (Frederick, 1994). CCT has also made councils to be more aware of the consumers of local authority services. Surveys are now conducted by many types of council to find out what the public thinks about its services and how they would like the services improved. However, this those not still amount to providing the services that the consumers actually need. The council simply improves those services that it feels are needed by the consumers without asking them what they actually need. By so doing, consumers continues paying for the services through taxes even though they may not be deriving any value from them. Westminster City Council and Islington Council Westminster City Council In line with CCT West Minster City Council has been trying to improve on the services it provides to its consumers by soliciting the services of direct service or direct labour organisations. The objective of the Westminster City Council is to deliver a world class city, built on the delivery programmes of Order, Opportunity, Renewal and Enterprise. West Minster City Council was one of the councils to begin privatising its services even before the implementation of the CCT. For example, the council added the management of its indoor leisure centres to its list of services subject to CCT in advance of official government legislation with the objective of seeking tenders in early 1988 for contracts commencing in September 1988. (Prokopenko and Pavlin, 1991). The objective of the tender was for the management of one or all of the 5 leisure centres and was based on deficit financing. Contractors were expected to include alongside cost estimates in their prospectus methods that could be u sed to reduce the deficit while at the same time improving the service. The contract was awarded to City Centre Leisure (CCL) after severe competition with competitors. CCL was awarded a contract to manage two out of the five leisure centres including the Queen Mother Sports Centre in Victoria and the Seymour Leisure Centre in Marybone. The contract which with total cost  £2,590,300 carried a term of five years. (Prokopenko and Pavlin, 1991). Following six months after the contract was awarded, there was an increase in the number of people who used the facilities by 27,000 as compared to the same period during the previous year. The factors that contributed to the increase in the use of the service include: increased opportunities to use the service such as increased opening hours, more flexible programs particularly in the mornings, evenings and weekends; user survey action, taken to improve certain aspects of the service; introduction of customer-care training and encouragement with further efforts planned. (Prokopenko and Pavlin, 1991). More so, management was clearer and sharper about what they were trying to do than before. There was also an improvement in the attitude and interest levels of staff thereby leading to an increase in the quality of the service. (Prokopenko and Pavlin, 1991). One can observe that by privatising the leisure services to CCL, West Minster City Council helped to improved the quality of the service to taxpayers. More people were now willing to use the service because it was available at more affordable prices. It was also available at flexible times. People could therefore use the service without having to make adjustments to their work schedules since it could be accessed at both morning and evening hours. People on morning shift duties could use the service in the afternoons or evenings, while those of on night shift duties could use the service during morning or afternoon hours. In addition, the improvement in staff attitude and interest increased the quality of the service since more people perceived it as being of a high quality. Included in its business framework are: Obligations to improve; new audit and intervention arrangements; emphasis on accountability for decisions and performance; freedoms to trade and charge; freedoms to spend; and freedoms to invest. The council adopted the project â€Å"Once City 2008†which its part of its vision to meet the aforementioned objective. The aim of this project is to deliver strong communities, with low taxes and services of the highest quality, which are easy to access and available when as and when necessary. First launched in November 2005, the Once City programme has achieved excellent progress. (City of Westminster, 2009). The Council has set out a total of 30 initiatives to improve lives of people living and working in Westminster City. (City of Westminster, 2009). The Council aims at building on its commitment to low tax, with a freeze in Westminster’s share of council tax; foster its â€Å"Go Green plans†to make Westminster one of the most sustainable cities in the U.K; spend over  £150million to improve schools; and look at opportunities for new housing in the City. Another key priority for the new year is to work hard for the City’s younger and older residen ts, as well as speaking to parents about what more the council can do to support them as they manage their family role. The council launched its leading â€Å"Leading Older Person’s Matters†approach last year, which includes an enormously popular free tea dance at the Grosvenor House Hotel for over 1,000 old residents. (City of Westminster, 2009) The council has a duty of securing and improving best value for taxpayers’ money where best value is defined as continuous improvement in the performance of authority’s functions. In securing best value, West Minster City Councils strikes an appropriate balance among: (i) the quality of its performance of its functions; (ii) the cost to the authority of that performance; and (iii) the cost to persons of any service provided by it for them on a wholly or partly rechargeable basis. The council performs its duties in a manner that contributes to the achievement of sustainable development. Performance improvement is measured with regard to the outcomes that have been improved. Islington Council LBI struggled for a number of years to manage and administrate the benefit service, in October 1998 the service was outsourced to ITNet under a 7 year contract to improve service performance and delivery. In 2002 the Benefit Fraud Inspectorate (BFI) inspected LBI and ITNet the findings were highly critical of the Council’s ability to manage the contract National press interest in ITNet grew during 2001-2002, as Hackney Council terminated it’s contract with ITNet in April 2001, over the proposed 17,000 claims awaiting assessment. The financial implications where catastrophic, estimated to rise to at least  £11m to develop an in-house team to sort through the back log of claims. LBI decided to review it’s contract introducing new and stringent Key Performance Indicators (KPI) incentives and harsh penalties linked to service delivery and performance. (LBI, 2003). LBI was still subject to political and public scrutiny and condemnation of ITNet’s performance , the Ombudsmen Office could not withstand the number of complaints received A report to LBI Executive dated 20th February 2003 detailed the plans to revert to an in-house service from 1st May 2003 concluding: ‘The service has continually received criticism from claimants, Councillors, M.P’s, outside agencies and in the local press. The recent Benefit Fraud Inspectorate report highlighted that whilst the quality of the contract and the client side had improved†¦there had been no real improvements to claimants†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (LBI, 2003) In May 2003 LBI reverted the provision of the Housing Benefit Service to ‘in-house’ a year later the Audit Commission noted ‘Significant improvements have been achieved in previously weak areas, notably housing benefit services†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Audit, Commission, 2004). The LBI Executive agreed to exclude press and public knowledge in connection to ITNet to include ‘information relating to the financial or business affairs†¦or action taken in connection with legal proceedings, by or against the authority’. (LBI, 2003). The financial loses incurred by LBI from inception to termination of the contract have never been fully released. The service provision continued to improve by 2005 Housing Benefit had transformed from a one star service (weak) to a three star service (good), (Audit Commission, 2005). The Audit Commission on behalf of the Government have undertaken intensive research in respect to the implementation of privatisation –detailing three specific areas where there appears to be a consistent lack of: ‘Sufficient people with the procurement , risk or management skills to make effective use of market mechanisms; Information about public service markets that would enable them to use or develop those markets; and Information about delivery costs, management costs or service performance to determine the best service delivery option and the best way to secure that option.’ (Audit Commission, 2007). Lane, (2000) significantly highlights the complex issues regarding the ideology of privatisation: ‘†¦local governments†¦must learn to conduct processes of tendering/bidding in a transparent manner, as well as implementing contracts in an efficient manner, including the monitoring of fulfilment of the terms of a contract.’ A philosophy perhaps shared by Lynch (2006), suggesting the ‘transaction costs’ are a significant consideration of privatisation, highlighting: ‘There is a need to set standards, monitor progress, evaluate performance and other activities associated with giving former monopolies the freedom to undertake public services.’ (Lynch, 2006 ) The Benefit Fraud Inspectorate was highly critical of the contract that existed between LBI and ITNet suggesting is was ‘failing’ and ‘weak’ (BFI 0476/02. The contract specification had a detrimental affect on the Council’s ability to monitor the performance of ITNet ‘LBI†¦is unable to measure their effectiveness or success because it does not have monitoring in place†¦which it makes it difficult for LBI to take strategic decisions about how best to deal with the problems..’ (BFI 0476/02). The lack of skills to negotiate contracts in Local Government has been highlighted by the Audit Commission ‘Good service procurement requires accurate specification, and robust and clear negotiation, supported by sufficient technical knowledge to evaluate cost and quality’ (Audit Commission, 2007). Conclusions and Recommendations Privatisation is perceived to be a more efficient method of allocating the resources of the state. It encourages more efficient management and improves staff commitment and interest thereby increasing customer value. For example, Westminster’s privatisation of its leisure services led to improvement in the value of the service to consumers. However, privatisation of certain services may not lead to their efficient provision. As evidenced by the housing benefits case of Islington Council, not all local services can be provided efficiently by the private sector. It is therefore appropriate to carefully select the services that should be privatised before taking the decision. this should be done by weighing the costs and benefits. If benefits outweigh costs, then the service should be privatised. On the contrary, if costs outweigh the benefits of the service then it should be provided in-house. BIBLIOGRAPHY Prokopenko, J., Pavlin, I. (1991). Entrepreneurship Development in Public Enterprises International Labour Organization, 1991 ISBN 922107286X, 9789221072867 208 pages. Bortolotti, Bernardo, Siniscalco, Domenico and Fantini, Marcella (2000). Privatisation and Institutions: A cross Country AnalysisCESifo Working Paper Series No. 375. Available at SSRN: Siniscalco, Domenico, Bortolotti, Bernardo and Fantini, Marcella (2001). Privatisation Around the World: New Evidence from Panel DataCESifo Working Paper Series No. 600; FEEM Working Paper No. 77.2001. Available at SSRN: or DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.288530 Frederick, d. (1994). Why Compulsory Competitive Tendering for Local Government Services is not as good as privatisation. Available online at: David, P. (2002). Privatisation in the European Union: Theory and Policy Perspectives. New York Routledge. City of Westminster
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Body Composition :: essays research papers
According to Mosbey's Medical, Nursing, & Allied Health Dictionary, Body Composition is defined as the relative proportions of protein, fat, water, and mineral components in the body. It varies as a result of differences in body density and degree of obesity. Basically body composition describes the percentages of fat, bone, and muscle in a persons body. The percentages of body fat a person has determines their overall health and fitness when compared to factors like age, weight, and sex. Body composition also contributes to a persons overall appearance. A healthy male should have about12 to 18 percent of fat. Females should have around 14 to 20 percent. Any thing over or under these percentages would be considered unhealthy.The term's weight and fat are usually used in the same context when discussing physical fitness. Under certain circumstances, being overweight doesn't mean that a person is unhealthy. A person could be in good physical shape but considered overweight because the y have excess muscle. People with a lot of muscle mass usually have body weight, which is disproportional to their height. Having a high percentage of fat is unhealthy because it can cause heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.It is important to know your body fat percentage because it can help you put together a realistic exercise program with goals that are attainable. A good exercise program incorporates both aerobic exercises, which burn fat and anaerobic exercises, which build muscle. It is healthier to turn fat into muscle instead of just trying to loose weight without thinking about gaining strength. The best way for a person to change his or her body composition is to improve their fitness levels. Fitness has different meanings to different people. Some people define fitness as having a small waistline. Other people may feel that fitness is the ability to bench-press their body weight ten times.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Methods of Measuring Design Quality
There are several methods by which companies measure the design quality of products, services and processes. The companies select the methods in accordance to their goals. Accordingly the methods for measuring design quality may be generic like the reusability of design or specific like the size dimensions of motion system. Whatever be the metrics used, there is a trend towards using a combination of weights and rating scales for objectively measuring design quality. One approach to measuring design quality is examining the extent to which the different parts or the subsystems of the design depend on one another. From this stand point those designs that are inflexible, and have a high degree of interdependence cannot easily be changed. When a change is introduced it has a surging effect and it becomes impossible to guess the cost of such a change. These designs create a situation where the managers very rarely allow changes. Another way of assessing design quality is to test its reusability. If the needed parts of the design are highly dependent on other details, design is highly interdependent. In such a situation is important to see if the design can be used in a different situation or a combination. For example, if there is an embossing unit designed as a part of a plastic stretching line. Can the embossing unit be separated from the line and used in a different plastic stretching line? Continuing with the example, can the plastic extruder be separated from the line and used as a part of another plastic strapping line? Finally, is there a tendency of the system to break in several places when a one change is made to the system? If the design is brittle then there are problems in areas that have no direct connection with the changed area (Akao, Yoji 2004). In the plastic stretching line if the embossing unit is removed there is a problem in the cooling unit. Such brittleness reduces the reliability of the design and creates maintenance problems. The production personnel cannot rely on the production specifications. Another approach to measuring the quality of design is to examine the specifications of the designs in terms of the realization of its objectives. The cost of implementing the design and the ease with which the device can be produced are evaluated. A strong correlation is usually present between the design and the specifications and the ratio can be used as a reliable measure of design quality (Park, Sung H1996). Another measure of design quality is to measure design performance(Belavendram, N 1995). In this case the design quality evaluates a number of factors like the craftsmanship, the cost of design, the cost of production, and even the return on investment of the design process. In case the design is made by an internal team there is even a comparison of the performance of the design with the expected performance from external designers. Measuring the design quality has assumed new importance with how designs are being managed to increase value of the organization to its customers. Instead of tangible end products, there are companies that evaluate the designs of business models and improve its designs to ensure that every interaction with a customer is dependable and persuasive. Design quality is also measured from the point of view of the user. The design is expected to make the process clear to the user. Moreover, the design should make the behavior of the organization, system or the process dependable to the user, Further; the design should be such that the process or the system should provide feedback. In case of interaction with the customer, the feedback should be both visual and audio. The message however, should be clear. The design of a process or a system should be such that the user should effectively be able to trace the path of action (Hoyle, David 2005). There should be a close correspondence between the specifications that have been given to the user and the manner in which the system works. Finally, the design should allow for measures of control. Measuring design quality is often a task of applying general principles of designing. The general principles of designing include questions like is the design trouble-free? An uncomplicated and simple design is preferred. Also is the design is long lasting? An adaptable design is desirable and so is a timeless design. The design should appeal to the future generation. A good design solves the moot problem (Hayes, Bob1998). A good design gives a few elements to the users that can be combined by the users themselves. A lot of work goes into a high quality design and this is reflected in the design itself. One of the metrics widely used in measuring design quality is the use of symmetry. Further, the fine tuning that has been done to the design to improve its quality and performance. Quality design can be replicated and is different from the norm. Finally, good design is done in large pieces. From the perspective of production management it is important to remember that the design quality is important in motion control system. In this context the quality of design embraces the selection of the motor drive electronics, positioning mechanism and motion controller.. Design quality emerges from the planning that goes into the development of the system. Designing quality entails full description and understanding of the process. Meticulous details go into this designing stage like the precision of the motion, the travel length of every axis and the number of axis. A good quality design specifies if the positioning is rotary, linear or a combination of stages (Card, David N & Glass. R 1990). The quality of design is also evaluated by the manner in which it incorporates the stage as an integral part of the larger system. The ability of the stage to meet its specifications is also an important consideration in measuring design quality. The design also encompasses the way in which the system is mounted on a flat surface to avoid distortions. The quality of design is also judged from the way in which the lifetime requirements of the system are incorporated into the stage specifications. If the requirements change then the system may have to be removed to a different position during its lifetime. Good quality design takes into consideration the size and the environmental consequences of the system. Both horizontal and vertical size constraints need to be considered. Factors like the choice of drive type, selection of motor and the mechanical and electrical aspects of the system motions are important factors in appraising the design quality. In the context of customer service, measuring design quality means evaluating parameters that go into a better provision of service to the customers. To deliver consistently superior service requires a high level of design quality. The design must include processes, people and the technology. Only if the design is of high quality will the company get increased sales from customers that have experienced superior service.  The design often extends to aspects of information technology. The designing of products and service responses based on data often are critical in attracting and retaining customers. The quality of design reflects on the services provided like tracking the choices of individual customers, payment methods, patterns of buying, support websites and live chats with technical staff. To be successful the design must consider factors like support technology, culture of the organization, incentive system, training and recruitment of customer support staff. In most situations like a production setting or a customer service system, there are some metrics that are selected for measuring the design quality. Usually, these metrics are based on the objective of the organization and are discussed with the designer before the design commences (Wood, Jane & Silver, Denise 1989). For example, the company that wants to design a motion control system will discuss with its production engineers specifications that are required for the motion control system and agree on a few metrics that will be used to measure the design quality. For example it may be the positioning of the linear rotary, the adaptability of the system, the size of the system, the stopping ability of the drive and precision of the description of the system. Each of these metrics for measuring design quality should be given a weight so that the sum of the weighs adds up to 1. For example, the stopping ability of the drive may be given a weight of 0.3 and the precision of the description of the system may be given a weigh of 0.1 and so on. In practice these weights are decided jointly by the management and the designer. A document for measuring design quality typically has a rating scale of five attached to each metric. After the design is completed a rating is given to each metric. The rating may range from 1 to 5, where 1 is the lowest rating and 5 is the highest rating. Each rating is multiplied with the respective rating. For example the stopping ability of the drive may get a rating of 3, this figure is multiplied by its weight of 0.3 and we get a score of 0.9. The scores for each metric is added and a composite score is calculated. As the weights add up to 1, the composite score ranges from 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest design quality and 5 the highest possible quality measure. The actual composite measure for design quality will range between 1 and 5. To sum, there is a wide range of metrics used for measuring design quality. Some are generic metrics like the flexibility of the design, the adaptability or its brittleness. Others are metrics related to specific situations like the metrics for measuring the design quality of a motion system. Design quality of customer support systems or HRM recruitments systems are also measured with respect to the goals of the design. These metrics are then rated according a previously decided standard, weighted and a composite score is calculated to give a comprehensive measure of design quality. References: Akao, Yoji (2004), Quality Function Deployment: Integrating Customer Requirements into Product Design, Productivity Press Belavendram, N (1995) Quality by Design, Prentice Hall Card, David N & Glass. R (1990) Measuring Software Design Quality. Prentice Hall Hayes, Bob (1998) Measuring Customer Satisfaction: Survey Design, Use, and Statistical Analysis Methods, ASQ Quality Press Hoyle, David (2005) ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook, Elsevier Park, Sung H (1996) Robust Design and Analysis for Quality Engineering, Springer Wood, Jane & Silver, Denise (1989), Joint Application Design: How to Design Quality Systems in 40% less Time, John Wiley & Sons Inc    Â
Saturday, November 9, 2019
About the United States Postal Service (USPS)
About the United States Postal Service (USPS) Early History of the U.S. Postal Service The United States Postal Service first began moving the mail on July 26, 1775, when the Second Continental Congress named Benjamin Franklin as the nations first Postmaster General. In accepting the position, Franklin dedicated his efforts to fulfilling George Washingtons vision. Washington, who championed a free flow of information between citizens and their government as a cornerstone of freedom, often spoke of a nation bound together by a system of postal roads and post offices. Publisher William Goddard (1740-1817) first suggested the idea of an organized U.S. postal service in 1774, as a way to pass the latest news past the prying eyes of colonial British postal inspectors. Goddard formally proposed a postal service to Congress nearly two years before the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Congress took no action on Goddards plan until after the battles of Lexington and Concord in the spring of 1775. On July 16, 1775, with revolution brewing, Congress enacted the Constitutional Post as a way to ensure communication between the general populace and the patriots preparing to fight for Americas independence. Goddard was reported to have been deeply disappointed when Congress chose Franklin as Postmaster General. The Postal Act of 1792 further defined the role of the Postal Service. Under the act, newspapers were allowed in the mail at low rates to promote the spread of information across the states. To ensure the sanctity and privacy of the mails, postal officials were forbidden to open any letters in their charge unless they were determined to be undeliverable. The Post Office Department issued its first postage stamps on July 1, 1847. Previously, letters were taken to a Post Office, where the postmaster would note the postage in the upper right corner. The postage rate was based on the number of sheets in the letter and the distance it would travel. Postage could be paid in advance by the writer, collected from the addressee on delivery, or paid partially in advance and partially upon delivery. For a complete history of the early Postal Service, visit the USPS Postal History website. The Modern Postal Service: Agency or Business? Until the adoption of the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970, the U.S. Postal Service functioned as a regular, tax-supported, agency of the federal government. According to the laws under which it now operates, the U.S. Postal Service is a semi-independent federal agency, mandated to be revenue-neutral. That is, it is supposed to break even, not make a profit. In 1982, U.S. postage stamps became postal products, rather than a form of taxation. Since then, the bulk of the cost of operating the postal system has been paid for by customers through the sale of postal products and services rather than taxes. Each class of mail is also expected to cover its share of the costs, a requirement that causes the percentage rate adjustments to vary in different classes of mail, according to the costs associated with the processing and delivery characteristics of each class. According to the costs of operations, U.S. Postal Service rates are set by the Postal Regulatory Commission according to the recommendations of the Postal Board of Governors. Look, the USPS is an Agency! The USPS is created as a government agency under Title 39, Section 101.1 of the United States Code which states, in part: (a) The United States Postal Service shall be operated as a basic and fundamental service provided to the people by the Government of the United States, authorized by the Constitution, created by Act of Congress, and supported by the people. The Postal Service shall have as its basic function the obligation to provide postal services to bind the Nation together through the personal, educational, literary, and business correspondence of the people. It shall provide prompt, reliable, and efficient services to patrons in all areas and shall render postal services to all communities. The costs of establishing and maintaining the Postal Service shall not be apportioned to impair the overall value of such service to the people. Under paragraph (d) of Title 39, Section 101.1, Postal rates shall be established to apportion the costs of all postal operations to all users of the mail on a fair and equitable basis. No, the USPS is a Business! the Postal Service takes on some several very non-governmental attributes via the powers granted to it under Title 39, Section 401, which include: power to sue (and be sued) under its own name;power to adopt, amend and repeal its own regulations;power to enter into and perform contracts, execute instruments, and determine the character of, and the necessity for, its expenditures;power to buy, sell and lease private property; and,power to build, operate, lease and maintain buildings and facilities. All of which are typical functions and powers of a private business. However, unlike other private businesses, the Postal Service is exempt from paying federal taxes. USPS can borrow money at discounted rates and can condemn and acquire private property under governmental rights of eminent domain. The USPS does get some taxpayer support. Around $96 million is budgeted annually by Congress for the Postal Service Fund. These funds are used to compensate USPS for postage-free mailing for all legally blind persons and for mail-in election ballots sent from US citizens living overseas. A portion of the funds also pays USPS for providing address information to state and local child support enforcement agencies. Under federal law, only the Postal Service can handle or charge postage for handling letters. Despite this virtual monopoly worth some $45 billion a year, the law merely requires the Postal Service to remain revenue neutral, neither making a profit or suffering a loss. How is the Postal Service ‘Business’ Doing Financially? Though intended to be a self-funding entity, the Postal Service has suffered a dismal string of financial losses since the 1970s, when it sometimes at least broke even. After the Great Recession of 2008, the volume of advertising mail- the vast majority of mail- dropped sharply as many businesses switched to less-costly email correspondence. Since then, mail volume has continued to drop, creating a crisis for a business whose costs are all but guaranteed to rise annually. For example, the number of addresses to which the USPS must deliver increases constantly. In FY2018, the USPS suffered what it called a â€Å"controllable†operating deficit of $3.9 billion and reports that it expects costs to continue to rise in FY2019. â€Å"Compensation and benefits expenses are planned to increase by $1.1 billion in FY2019, due to wage increases by $0.6 billion resulting from contractual general increases and cost-of-living adjustments.†In addition, the agency sees its retiree health benefits and transportation expenses to increase by $1 billion in FY2019.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Healthcare Plans essays
Healthcare Plans essays The HMO-Secure Horizons plan is a Medicare Advantage HMO plan offering customers a model of healthcare requiring they select a local primary care provider responsible for overseeing and coordinating their general care (United Healthcare, 2006). If a patient signs up for this plan, they must first review a list of contracted doctors that work with the plan and work with contracted hospitals that participate in this HMO plan. Most patients are limited to care received from contracted doctors only, or doctors directly affiliated with the HMO network, unless an emergency arises. In this case, as in a case where you may be out of state, the plan will typically cover medical care received. Unfortunately this may mean plan participants have to change doctors if their doctor is not currently one that contracts with the Secure Horizons HMO Medicare plan. This can be a cause for concern and distress especially among the elderly, or individuals who have seen a doctor for an extended time and c reated a lasting relationship. Patients enrolling in the Secure Horizons HMO have a choice of plan coverage, some of which offer prescription drug coverage, recognized by many as Part D coverage. This type of coverage proves increasingly important for older or elder citizens who typically have more prescription needs than younger patients (Okunade, 2006). Nurses and doctors play an important role in educating consumers about their health care coverage and prescription drug plans, especially considering most patients are not confident of the information they receive directly from the company websites they visit to find information on their healthcare provisions (Hong, 2006). Most patients who sign with a healthcare plan as this must lock in for a minimum amount of time and must pay a deductible, one that is often high in order to keep monthly premiums low. When the Medicare Part D plan was introduced, many believed parti ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Lewis and Clark from the Native Americans perspective Research Paper
Lewis and Clark from the Native Americans perspective - Research Paper Example The Native Americans were poorly interpreted and failure to see their unique, cultural and historical existence. This came about because the trail they traversed had distinct cultures, dialects and tribal associations (National Geographic, 2013). The Native Americans formed part of the success of the expedition. Drouillard and Sacagawea were hired by Lewis to provide extensive support at different points of the trip. Drouillard was a hunter and a specialist in Indian sign semantics and local dialects while Sacagawea was a transcriber. Both helped save the mission as they helped in the provision of crucial necessities such as horses from the Shoshone tribe, canoes, medicines and valuable goods. The travelers' safety was not guaranteed during their expedition and Sacagawea played the role of ensuring their full safety, as was the case when the group came into contact with the Indian tribes. The Rocky Mountains were exhausting and formidable especially during the 11 day crossing in the snow led by Old Toby. The Mandan villages provided shelter and fortitude during the winter of 1804-1805 when they allowed the travelling team to build a fort amidst them. the villagers were friendly and provided food for the team. It is during this period that Lewis and Clark's life was saved from the Nez tribe that wanted to kill them. The two were saved through the intervention of an old woman who lived in the Mandan village. The chiefs from different tribes who provided friendly connections with other tribes further enhanced the success of their expedition. Without this, the voyage would have probably ended before it would have started (National Geographic, 2013) As is evident, Lewis & Clark met different tribes during their journey, and who provided help at each and every stage of the journey. Their first encounter was with the Oto Indian tribe, whose six chiefs who they honored with clothes and a flag. In return, the chiefs acknowledged their conquest and granted them access to pass through their lands. The Mandans and Hidatsas tribes from the North Dakota Territory insisted on the significance of using horses. These, according to this tribe, would be helpful in the transportation of cargo and speed up the journey as compared to travelling on foot. The neighboring tribes were generous enough to trade food stuffs and arrange for guides who gave information on the way ahead. The good relations with the tribes of the Colombia and Snake rivers proved to be useful as they provided food and quick passages through their lands. Along the journey, Lewis & Clark also met the North West, Plain and Plateau Indians with whom they shared an analogous cultural lifestyle and heritage. The Sioux, Crow and Mandans tribes were nomadic while few resided in villages. Those who lived in the country of the Colombian river were hunters, fishermen of salmon and subsistence agriculturalists. Despite the various friendly tribes, the travelers also met up with hostile tribes on thei r way to the Pacific Ocean. Such a tribe was the Blackfeet Indians, who were notorious for being hostile to intruders. The members of this tribe were equipped with rifles and sought to get more from the expeditionists. In the heat of the moment, Lewis and Reuben slew a Blackfeet warrior sparking a war between the tribe and envoys of the federal government. They also had an unfortunate encounter with the Yankton Sioux and Omaha tribes (National Geograp
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Art of Tattooing in North America and Europe Essay
Art of Tattooing in North America and Europe - Essay Example In 1991, a five thousand year old frozen body of a man was discovered on a mountain between Austria and Italy. This body displayed in all 58 tattoos though these were only simple dots and little lines. The oldest known picture tattoos were found when archeologists, just after the Second World War, excavated a long row of graves of frozen and perfectly preserved bodies in the Altai Mountains of Southern Siberia. These were the bodies of the Scythians who were a nomadic group renowned for their creativity. In comparison, the Chieftain's tattoos represented different totem and game animals. The Vikings, who travelled up the Russian rivers and met the Scythians in Scandinavia, were influenced by the Scythians in the way they worked their crafts and tattoos. The body art among the Scythians and the Vikings reflected the designs found in their wood carvings, embroidery, weaving, leather and metal work. The significance of tattoos on a body has undergone several changes over the centuries. The practice of tattooing has meant different things in different cultures. Decoration appears to have been the most common motive for tattooing during the entire period. It was stated by Professor Konrad Spindler of Innsbruck University that the tattoo marks on the body of the Bronze Age man found in 1991 suggested that they were probably applied for therapeutic reasons. In some cultures, tattoos also served as identification of the wearer's rank or status in a group. For example, the early Romans tattooed slaves and criminals. Tahitian tattoos served as rites of passage, telling the history of the wearer's life. Boys reaching manhood received one tattoo to mark the occasion, while men had another style done when they married. Among a tribe named Roro tribes, when a girl was considered to be of marriageable age, the buttocks, the legs and the face were tattooed (Hambly, 31). Instances of body ma rking deemed to be of religious import were those connected with ideas of survival after death, prayer, sacrifice and communion (Hambly, 26). Later on, Sailors travelling to exotic foreign lands began to collect tattoos as souvenirs of their journeys resulting in establishment of tattoo parlors in port cities around the globe. In the 1900s, cosmetic tattooing became popular in the United States using it as blush for cheeks, color for the lips and eyeliners. With the World War, the flash art images changed to those of bravery and wartime icons. ( It is not only the motive behind tattooing that has changed over the years, but also has the designs and methods of performing this art. In North and South America, many Indian tribes routinely tattooed the body or the face by simple pricking, and some tribes in California introduced color into scratches. In order to be considered courageous and feared by their enemies, they would use sharpened awls or thorns or the bone of a bird or a fish to engrave or decorate their bodies. While the punctures which form the designs were fresh and bleeding, they would rub in charcoal or some other black color which mixed with the blood and penetrated the
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