Monday, September 30, 2019
Effects of Communication Essay
The organization that I chose is DeVry Inc. Specifically, I chose DeVry’s online student finance department because I am currently employed in this department. I started here as a Student Finance Consultant in July of 2012 and this is my first full time job after college. In my role, we assist student’s enrolling in courses and help plan how to fund their education. This job can be very satisfying yet frustrating at the same time. I feel that it is a great learning environment and overall, employee satisfaction is high. I feel that my position plays an important role in a student’s life as well as a critical part of the business. DeVry University is an accredited institution that offers a variety of programs to students across the world to pursue an associate’s, bachelors and even master’s degree. DeVry has over 90 locations across the United States and Canada to service students in several areas. In addition, for students who may not live near a campus, DeVry offers an online classroom that gives students another flexible option. In this examination the focus will primarily be with the online division. The online division offers a non-traditional way for students to pursue a degree. It allows working adults, busy parents and a variety of others to attend class on their own time. Threaded discussions allow students to interact with one another, comparable to a classroom setting, but students can participate when they are available. I no longer feel as though my role is important, in fact, advisors in this department often refer to themselves as â€Å"mignons†or â€Å"at the bottom of the feeding pole.†The work that I do now feels unnecessary and irrelevant. The morale throughout the entire department is low. Instead of trying to be satisfied with our positions, we are trying to find ways to be less dissatisfied. Themost unfortunate part is that I have only been here for 9 months, 1 month which was spent training. The work that we do now is all about meeting numbers, hitting goals, and extra paperwork. It is no longer about taking responsibility for student’s accounts and trying to find the best solution. Instead it is about answering as many phone calls as possible and making sure you hit all points on your â€Å"script†while on a call. As I stated before, the department as a whole feels as though we are on the bottom. Part of the reason is that we do not feel that we receive the respect that we deserve. We are given minimal notice of changes that are effective immediately. These changes affect the goals we have to meet and the processes we have to follow. In addition, most changes that are made do not provide enough information that we feel comfortable to advise to students. Problem Statement: The organizational problem that I would like to research is communication within our department. I would like to resolve the lack of communication that I often see within my role. We work with online students, therefore, we do not meet with anyone in person; communication is all through phone and e-mail. We communicate with students to help answer questions, provide support and make sure their finance account is organized and accurate. I often see that not being able to speak with students face to face can make communication efforts difficult. Especially when communicating through e-mail because not being able to see the person or hear the tone of their voice can allow for misinterpretations with students and especially within departments. Student Finance works closely with admissions and academics and I believe there is a lot of room for improvement with our communication skills. Our primary goal is to help the students and I have found recently, that goal is becoming less important. There is also a lack of communication to students. Often times students call in regarding an email they received, however, advisors have not been made aware than a standardized e-mail had been generated. For example, there were 8000 e-mails that were sent out to students that needed to submit documents. Although it was necessary for students to send in these documents, many of them had questions. There was not adequate phone coverage to be able to assist all students who had received an e-mail. Students become frustrated that they have to sit on hold for thirty minutes while waiting for an advisor and once connected to the advisor they may not receive as detailed information as they would prefer. In addition, advisors become frustrated with management that they were not informed of the messages that were relayed to students. â€Å"Things happen in organizations because people working individually and in groups make them happen; people make the difference†(Schermerhorn). This can be both positive and negative. The lack of communication happens because people neglect to put in the work to make a difference and improve communication. In addition, the lack of motivation from disgruntled employees causes lack of work as well. However, if these problems were resolved and increase satisfaction among employees it could create ambition for employees to make difference in how they perform their duties as well. I feel that there are improvements that can be made that can rectify the situation the Student Finance department is currently in. I feel that one of the most important changes needs to be in communication. The way that we communicate within the department as well as how other departments communicate between one another needs to improve. Although there are aspects of the job that are less than appealing, I think the main obstacle that needs to be tackled is the way we communicate. For the course project I will be concentrating on the communication process that is instilled in this department and how it affects achieving goals as well as employee satisfaction. Literature Review: The lack of communication that is throughout the DeVry Student Finance Department is an issue that can be resolved, and should be resolved. â€Å"Mistakes are common in business and can lead to negative repercussions for organizations†(Bolkan, San, John A. Daly 2009). The lack of communication is not intentional, but does have a negative effect. If not corrected, some of the negative effects may have a continuous cycle rather than being resolved. Repercussions that may result from mistakes made within an organization are a high employee turnover rate, and dissatisfied students. Lately, employees have begun leaving DeVry as early as two weeks of employment. Some employees that have been there longer relocate into a different position within DeVry, and others that leave sooner leave the company altogether. This has a negative effect since it takes time to train employees, and by the time the department finishes training one new-hire group, previous advisors have already left the position. Instead of having full teams of ten advisors, each team has on average seven. In addition, the lack of communication becomes a problem for students when they become dissatisfied. Students may choose to not enroll with DeVry again and quit school completely, or transfer to a competing school. Also, students who are not happy with the school they are attending may tend to have negative review comments. As a corporation that is looking to expand, DeVry should want only positive feedback from students. â€Å"Communication is absolutely critical for achieving success, but is it something that is often lacking†(Williamson 2010). In order for DeVry to successfully expand, there has to be effective communication to the student in order for students to be satisfied. In addition, if DeVry expands, there will be a need more for employees, if there is a high turnover rate it would be difficult to provide the quality service that DeVry stands behind. Analysis: The lack of communication is an error on numerous ends. One of the main reasons the problem has not been solved is that management may not be aware of the severity of the problem. Blame cannot be placed on management if management is not aware that a problem exists. Due to circumstances that had been a cause of lack of communication, management should be aware that there is a problem but may not be aware of where the problem lies. For example, there is a high turnover rate due to employee dissatisfaction. This is prominent in the department. However, what is vaguer is why employees are dissatisfied. One of the main reasons is the lack of communication. Not only does management not effectively communicate changes and information, but also does not welcome communication coming from advisors. Input is not welcome when discussing possible changes. Without listening to input from advisors, management is unaware of the problem. They may be under the impression advisors are dissatisfied with the changes that are being made, rather than how the changes were communicated to them. Advisors feel that when they are able to comment on decisions, their voices are not heard. Their input may be received but their opinion was not listened to. Currently, there are processes in place that are supposed to address concerns of employees. However, it is ineffective since concerns are heard but not listened to. In addition, this provides more frustration to advisors. They are voicing their concerns but concerns are not being addressed or even acknowledged. This essentially becomes a â€Å"dead-end.†Not having a forum that an advisor can express concerns and be accounted for increases dissatisfaction among employees. As discussed in class, dissatisfaction can be related to employee motivation. It is assumed that employees who have a more d issatisfaction are less motivated (Schermerhorn). The lack of satisfaction not only affects one’s professional life, but can also affect one’s personal life as well. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs requires that one is satisfied on numerous levels before able to reach the peak of self-actualization. First, one must meet physical needs, in order to meet these needs, money is required. A job can provide a paycheck which would help fulfill meeting physical needs of food and shelter. However, if you are only working at a job to meet the lowest level, you will never reach full satisfaction. In addition, if the job makes you unhappy it can affect your emotional state and well-being. A job may not fulfill emotional value, but a job that affects it negatively can prevent one from moving up on Maslow’s scale. Previously, the focus was on lack of communication between management and advisors; however, there is also a lack of communication between advisors. Academic advisors and finance advisors do not often communicate effectively. Consideration is not taken that different departments may have different guidelines and policies. This issue can be frustrating for advisors, but has more of an effect on students. Since students utilize both departments to guide them through their education they feel let down if they receive conflicting information. This can cause conflict between departments. Conflict can be advantageous when advisors are able to learn from one another and gain insight on the other’s position. However, conflict can also cause tension and confusion. If not dealt with properly, conflict can affect both advisors and students. Solutions: The first part of solving this problem is to make the proper audience aware that there is a problem. â€Å"One key for effective communication is knowing your audience, along with what kind of information it prefers†(Scheeres). The lack of communication between management and advisors needs to be brought to the attention of management. While doing so, it is important that it is addressed in a way that management does not see as complaining. Instead it is important to portray opinions in thoughts in a professional manner and also be able to include how improving communication can be beneficial to the organization as a whole. These ideas have to be well thought out and fully developed. â€Å"Effective communication doesn’t have to take extra time but it does demand greater awareness†(Gunn and Gullickson, 2008). Initially it makes take time to express concerns, but one’s awareness has been brought to the attention of the audience, it does not require additional work on their part. For example, communications can still be sent via e-mail, however, when they send the e-mail should be taken into more consideration. Another way to address the communication issue is to allow employees an outlet where they can express concerns and have them be addressed. This could even be anonymous. Advisors could write concerns and place them somewhere where management could have access to them. These issues do not have to be addressed daily, but possibly in a newsletter issued monthly. This solution may require additional time but could also increase employee satisfaction if they feel their concerns are being addressed. Again, an increase in satisfaction can also increase employee motivation. Recently, a survey was distributed to DeVry Student Finance Department to rate their overall satisfaction and engagement. After receiving results from this survey it was brought to management’s attention that there were underlying issues that needed to be addresses. This was an effective way to listen to the concerns of numerous advisors. It would be useful to send various surveys addressing different concerns. It would also be useful to have employees retake the exact survey six months later to determine if improvements have been made. If improvements are not made management may then want to reconfigure their communication process. Reflections: As an advisor in continuing student finance it has affected development professionally, personally and academically. Professionally, it has decreased my motivation to go above and behind what is expected of me. For a short period of time, it resulted in me meeting my weekly goals and not desiring to go beyond what is asked. In addition, it also caused me to look into other job opportunities that do not challenge me. Fortunately, I continued through the struggles and am now looking at ways to improve my position. Instead of looking at the negative aspects of the position I try to focus on what I like about the job. I enjoy the team that I work with and enjoy being able to work with students. When I am able to provide assistance that the student is asking for it can be a rewarding experience. Unfortunately I do not feel that I am able to reach my full potential in this position, but am trying to excel in the position to better myself and eventually use the skills I learn to apply them in another position that may challenge me further. Previously, I felt intense dissatisfaction with my job. Since it was something I had to deal with on a daily basis it affected my personal life as well. At first I felt dissatisfaction in both professional and personal aspects of life. For eight hours a day I have to be somewhere that I did not enjoy. This carried outside of the workplace and caused dissatisfaction outside of work as well. Eventually I was able to reevaluate the different aspects in my life and make adjustments. When I was dissatisfied at work, I learned to over-compensate satisfaction in my personal life. I knew that while I work I would not be happy and therefore was determined when I was not at work I would fulfill my time with activities that would help increase my satisfaction. This included spending more time with friends and family that I was previously neglecting since I was bringing my dissatisfaction from work home with me. For me, my academic development was also affected. This was in large due to the fact that I am attending school that is related to work. It was hard to leave work and DeVry and want to come home to do work for Keller. Once I left work I wanted to leave anything involving DeVry behind. This gave me a negative view on school and caused me to avoid putting forth the effort I should have been. Eventually I started to take a different outlook on school. I knew it was a way that I could better myself and it was something that I could do in my own time. I enjoy school and learning and needed to be reminded that it was for me and not for work. In addition, I was also able to recognize that by learning more I can learn to deal with difficult work situations in a way that does not affect my (dis) satisfaction. By improving my skills and knowledge it may also qualify me for different positions that I may not have been eligible for previously. Evaluating the lack of communication within the department I work in has allowed me to evaluate how I communicate with others also. In addition, it has displayed how professional and personal life can coincide with one another. In addition, it has also inspired me to make changes not only in how I communicate, but how others communicate with me as well. By bringing awareness to others, it may increase the effectiveness of how we communicate with one another. By increasing effective communication employees are able to grow individually and the organization has the support to grow as a whole. References Communication is a Two-Way Street. Asian Social Science; Mar2010, Vol. 6 Issue 3 Devry University. Retrieved from He said, She Said. Strategic Finance, 89(7), 11-12. Gunn, R., and Gullickson, B. 2008. FAFSA: Student Aid on the Web. Interdepartmental links priceless for sterilization success. Healthcare Purchasing news, 34(1),36. Williamson, J. 2010. Learning the Language. By: Scheeres, Junell Listening: A Concept Analysis. By: Shipley, Sheila D. Organizational Responses to Consumer Complaints: An Examination of Effective Remediation Tactics. By: Bolkan, San, John A. Daly, Feb 2009, Vol. 37, No. 1 Organizational Behavior, Tenth Edition. By: Hunt, Osborn and Schermerhorn. When Work and Love Mix: Perceptions of Peers in Workplace Romances. By: Chory, Rebecca M., Sean M. Horan, Nov/Dec 2009, Vol. 60, No. 5
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Medieval Universities Essay
The English universities were one of the most significant creations of Medieval England. The scholars who attended eitherOxford or Cambridge Universities set an intellectual standard that contrasted markedly with the norm of Medieval England. Oxford University came into being some 20 years before Cambridge University. The church had a major impact at Oxford. The town came within the diocese of Lincoln, yet Oxford had its own archdeaconry. It was the input of the church that led to the first recorded student/university authority clash at Oxford. The universities led to major growth in both Oxford and Cambridge as towns and both became important centres. No-one is quite sure why Oxford was chosen as the town for England’s first university – however, the town had a number of distinct advantages. Oxford was the centre of communications within its region and both royalty and foreign scholars frequently visited the town. There were also many religious houses/centres around the town and the agricultural land was rich and farming did well at this time. Oxford was considered to be in a civilised part of England – it was near to London and getting to Europe was not necessarily a major journey. Oxford also held strategic importance, which led to the building of a castle there. In 1167, a quarrel between Henry II and Thomas Becket led to a temporary ban on English scholars going to study in France. For whatever reason, scholars and academics gathered in Oxford to continue with their work – fifty of them. As journeying to the university in Paris was not allowed, more scholars and academics arrived in Oxford. Sometime after 1167 Giraldus Cambrensis visited Oxford and started teaching there. He taught three times a day. He took poor students for lectures; he then taught academics from different faculties, and lastly he taught knights and the likes. His clientele became larger than the ‘normal’ monastic or cathedral school. In 1180, Prior Philip of St. Frieswade, Oxford, recorded that a scholar had left his family in York to study at Oxford. Within twelve years, the importance of a good education was clearly having an impact. In 1192, Richard of Devizes wrote â€Å"Oxonia vix suos clericos, non dico satiat, sed sustenat.†| Richard was basically stating that there were so many scholars in Oxford that the town could barely feed them. By 1209, it was estimated that there were 3,000 students in Oxford. It was also in 1209 that students in Oxford started to migrate to Cambridge. This occurred after some students killed a woman in Oxford. At this time, King John and Pope Innocent III were quarrelling over a new Archbishop of Canterbury. Innocent put England under an interdict. With such worries, John had few thoughts for students in Oxford. He gave his permission for the execution of three students in Oxford involved in the woman’s death. However, in the delay that took pace, the students fled to Reading, Cambridge of Paris. Others followed to Cambridge and by 1284, Peterhouse College was founded. Unlike the great university of its time – the university in Paris – Oxford was not connected to either a cathedral or a religious house. The Sorbonne was supervised by ecclesiastical men while Oxford was supervised by masters, though these were usually in holy orders. Regardless of this, Oxford developed with a degree of practical independence. By the end of what is considered to be Medieval England, the following colleges had been created at Oxford – University College, Balliol, Merton and Exeter. In Cambridge, Peterhouse College was created. Student life in both towns was to transform Oxford and Cambridge. The lifestyle of the students was to frequently bring both universities into conflict with the church.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
American Slave Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
American Slave - Essay Example Most slave owners had one great fear that of slaves learning how to write and read. The owners knew that the less the slaves knew the better they would be. Having the potential to write and read meant that, slaves would realize that they are equal to their masters. This would lead to them questioning slave owners about their treatment towards their fellow men. Douglas started reading and writing. As he kept on reading more it became easy to look at things extraordinarily differently. His attitude changed altogether. He started seeing things, not as a slave but a citizen. As a result of his gain in knowledge, he started to envy illiterate slaves, who did not understand the horrible living conditions. Therefore, he could not at all bear the thought of being captive as a slave (Fredrick 33). Any slave who got noticed by his master to be a quick learner or trying to read and write, he or she would be stopped and discouraged from learning. This is because slave owners never wanted their slaves to become aware of the news about slavery. Slave owners never wanted their slaves to know anything related to being free or freedom. In spite of the harsh rules against a teaching of slaves, they always found a way to gain knowledge of how to read or write. All this happened by Douglas holding classes on Sundays where slaves from other farms and plantation who sneaked and risked their lives, came over to learn (Fredrick 34). At the time, when Douglas is extremely young, he witnesses a slave getting whipped for the first time.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Bauhaus Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Bauhaus - Research Paper Example Bauhaus was a significant school of art started in the modern time. The school had a significant influence in Europe and the United States and even beyond. The designer wanted to rejuvenate the lost glory in the field of art. Furthermore, Walter wanted to show the relationship between society and technology that was advancing at a higher rate. It is the art and craft movement that that shaped the idea of Walter because he wanted to draw a divide between fine arts and applied arts so as to help in bridging the gap between innovation and manufacturing. Further to the above, the key driver towards the creation of Bauhaus was Walter’s fear that the work of art would die and lose its meaning in the society. In addition, in the construction of the Bauhaus, most of the old ways of creation of art was abandoned but it encouraged the curiosity in the pursuit of knowledge. That was the only way that they could maintain the glory of the work of art in the society. The excellent work of B auhaus targeted the upcoming artist I the 20th century. Bauhaus placed a lot of emphasis on the on the work of experimentation. For that case, therefore, testing and solving of the problem-solving bridging the gap between the fine art and the visual and being considered as a standard entity. Furthermore, the philosophical teaching of the teachers at Bauhaus-influenced the younger generation and even shaped their ideas. The book addresses the major reasons as to why the building existed and the events that followed the inception of the idea.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Black Stork Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Black Stork - Essay Example It was the belief of those that ascribed to this type of world view that such a human was possible and the only thing that was stopping the further evolution of mankind was societal constructs of mercy and value towards all life equally. The proponents of the eugenics movement, Dr. Harry J. Haiselden himself a member, advocated for a more direct approach towards achieving this particular interpretation of Darwin’s theories (Pernick, 1996). The rational for this particular worldview was not formed from a state of mind that espoused hatred, malice, or contempt for human life; instead, the proponents of eugenics sought to create an idealistic world in which society would no longer be plagued by disease, and genetic disorders – a world in which a superhuman would eventually emerge. As such, opponents to the eugenics movement quickly crystallized around the belief and notion that all human life was sacred and it was not for the doctor/attending physician or anyone else for t hat matter to deem what life was not worthy of being saved through his own inaction allow an infant to die (Voluntary Euthanasia, 1932). As such, in 1919 a silent movie entitled Black Stork began to be shown in the then rare theaters. The movie was concentric around the actions/inactions of Dr. Harry J. Haiselden which led to the deaths of many infants the doctor deemed unworthy of life. Although this name is not likely to ring any bells currently, this was a medical doctor whose exploits were the thing of tabloid newspapers at the time. Due to the fact that Dr. Haiselden was a strong proponent of eugenics he was known to withhold treatment from certain infants that when born required immediate surgical procedures to ensure their continued longevity. As such, Dr. Haiselden was known to withhold theses procedures deeming it as a mercy to the child and to society to prevent them from being a drain on their parents and the society at large. As such, the movie displayed in detail the pr ocess through which the doctor would make these determinations as well as the graphic display of the corpses of the dead and dying infant with its own mother. This practice alone caused the film to have to be edited on a number of occasions in order to tone down the graphic displays of death and dying that were presented to the audience (CITE). The idea of eugenics, coupled with the fact that many in society were willing to carry to an ultimate end the theory of natural selection (aided by human hands) and survival of the fittest, meant that a term was brought into the lexicon of the medical community and society at large in a new and revamped way. The term itself, â€Å"Euthanasia†had previously had a much different meaning; however, due to the exploits of individuals such as Doctor Haiselden, the meaning grew from â€Å"efforts to ease the sufferings of the dying without hastening their death" to â€Å"actively or inactively ending life in an effort to end suffering†(Capron, 1974). As such, the term greatly progressed from what was its original meaning. Furthermore, the movement was presented to society in ways that they could no longer ignore the implications that such practices brought along with them. It is interesting to theorize what would have happened with eugenics and euthanasia had Hitler not risen to power in Germany during the early 1930’s (Benzenho?fer, 2010). Due to the Third Reich’s belief that racial superiority was the best model
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Employment law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Employment law - Coursework Example In the case of Davis and his company management, the decision to dismiss may appear malicious but it was meant to protect the reputation of that institutions. However, if an employee has been found in contravention of the laws governing their employment, they still have rights to fair trial and access to a lawyer. A free and fair disciplinary committee hears and determines the case based on evidence gathered1. In the event an employee feels that they were unfairly treated, they can seek assistant from their trade unions or employment tribunals. Petitioners are encouraged to ensure they exhaust all possible avenues of justice before filing their cases at the tribunals2. The latter take a long period before the hearing and making any determination of the case. The following discussion focuses on a case involving dismissal of Dave from his work under some controversial circumstances. The main aim is establish if he is qualified for any remedies if the employment tribal rules on his beha lf. Statement of the case The case involves a Dave who was a manager at the Pamper. He had been in the company for a period of more than 11 years. His dismissal occurred on 26 May 2012 under certain controversial circumstances. He had entered a shop to purchase some goods when he saw his friend. He left the queue while still holding the items but let the till assistant know about it. It is at that time that the store detective, acting on the perception that he was a thief, decided to arrest him. His case was dismissed immediately for lack of sufficient evidence. However, his employers did not take the matter lightly and therefore decided to constitute a disciplinary committee. After gathering information from the store detective and Janice who was Dave’s assistant, they dismissed him. Anomalies in the determinations of the case From the analysis of the case, there were various legal anomalies. Firstly, Dave was denied the right to a fair trial. He was denied permission to be represented by his lawyer. This is against the Article 6 of the constitution, which requires defendants be represented by such legal experts3. In R (Seymour-Smith) v Secretary of State for Employment case, the judge ruled in favour of the plaintiff. The dismissal was unfair due to discrimination against the plaintiff. Dave was also discriminated and treated unfairly by being denied right to an attorney. This was unfair for him from a legal point of view because he appeared overwhelmed. All other members were against him including the disciplinary committee, which relied on biased information. Secondly, the evidence was gathered in a hurry and was not analyzed to ensure it was reliable. Some of the witnesses such as Janice is said to have had some disagreements with Dave several times. It is therefore possible that her testimony was biased and malicious. She might have wished Dave away so that she could take over his position. It appears that the employers were determined to dismiss Dave. They were only focused on information that supported the fact that he had purposed to steal. However, this is unrealistic since he had never done that before, and his status at his job did not allow him to behave that way. These gross anomalies should form a basis for seeking redress to the employment tribunal4. Dave, should be free to file his petition immediately with the employment tr
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Discussion board seven Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Discussion board seven - Coursework Example ng provides several opportunities for career advancement; these include advancement into management positions, regional health officers, and heads of sections. There are several career opportunities with advanced nursing degrees; these are Clinical Nurse Specialists, Legal Nurse Consultants, Certified Nurse Midwife, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, and Nurse Attorney. Advancement in the nursing career comes with several benefits for nurses. First, advancement in the nursing career brings a great deal of self-fulfillment to a person (OLynn, 2013). The nurses can choose their own path in the career ladder. Buchan and Black (2011) argue that making a difference in the lives of people they care for daily guarantees personal fulfillment. Second, advanced nurses have a wide range of knowledge to provide for the needs of diverse patients (Yoder-Wise, 2011). As they advance, nurses are exposed to both theoretical and practical knowledge pertinent in the field of nursing. Third, advanced nurses have wide range of specializations to choose from; they can either work in offices, at the bedsides, or even outside the hospital. Fourth, advanced nurses are guaranteed of job security because hospitals cannot work without them. I think all nurses should have advanced degrees in nursing. Advanced degree in nursing will enable nurses to enjoy several benefits associated with advanced careers in the field. These include personal fulfillment, increased knowledge for healthcare provision, access to several specializations for choosing, and job
Monday, September 23, 2019
Ethical Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Ethical Dilemma - Essay Example In order to carry out ethical teaching in class, the teachers might face ethical dilemmas often. Ethical dilemma is known to be the complex situation in which one might get when he has a mental conflict between moral essentials in which it is known that the choice of one may result in disobeying the other. They are also known as moral dilemmas and in these cases, societal and personal ethical guidelines may not provide any satisfactory outcome (Garber, 2008). Ethical dilemmas and moral situations can often arise in situations where one person can not take a moral decision and is bound to take a decision that does not fit in the ethical boundaries in one way or the other. Such situations may have many similarities and are at many times considered to be analogous (Carr, 1999). An experience I had that shows the similarities between the ethical dilemma and a moral situation is during my internship when I observed a situation in class where the teacher was in an ethical dilemma. The situ ation can be called as a moral situation and an ethical dilemma, as in both the cases, the teacher was bound to take a decision that did not fit into the moral principles and the professional ethics of education. In the situation, James was a classroom teacher of the ninth grade. His homework policy was that the homework would be given to take home on Friday and the students must bring it back and submit it on the following Thursday. He continuously emphasizes that it is the students’ choice to do it or not, but in case the homework is not completed and handed in on Friday, they will have to serve detention during one period of recess. Raoul was an excellent student in his class who always finished his work on time and correctly. He was a sensitive and dedicated student who strived hard to please the teacher. One Wednesday, Raoul gets sick and out of school, moreover the following day which was a Thursday, he forgot to bring his homework to class. This was the first time Raou l did not have his homework. James was sure that he had done his work and forgot to bring it. Raoul could get a day’s extension for being sick. And James also knew that the thought of serving detention was devastating for Raoul. However, James had to decide whether to follow the rule and have Raoul serve the detention, or make an exception based on the fact that Raoul has been sick and his routine is disrupted. This situation can very well be executed as a moral situation as well as an ethical dilemma. James is the teacher and he holds the responsibility in class to follow the professional ethics of education in which the teacher is supposed to apply the same rules for every student and avoid favoritism. On the other hand the professional ethics state that the teacher should understand each student and contribute in the best way possible towards his learning and his encouragement. James gets in ethical dilemma as he knows that taking a decision in regard of one ethical standa rd will violate the other. If James gives Raoul detention, he will discourage him and led his morale down, and if he gives him an excuse it will violate the professional ethics that he has set for his classroom (Robinson, 2005). In the similar way, the situation can also be called as a moral situation in which the teacher is bound by the moral principles of class and he is in moral dilemma. James is a teacher of ninth grade, who are teenage students and understand the situations of the class very well. If James gives an exception to Raoul, it will violate the moral conduct of the class in which the teacher owes a moral responsibility towards every child equally. Since Raoul has disobeyed the moral conduct of the class, James should give him the same punishment that all the students get,
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Explain the Muslim idea of Religious Authority Essay Example for Free
Explain the Muslim idea of Religious Authority Essay Revelations are the way in which we receive knowledge of God and this is done through the Holy Books. In the Christian tradition there is an understanding that the Bible is a medium of revelation (Prepositional view), this is where the truths recorded by God are recorded, there is also an understanding that revelation is the way in which God acts with human experience through history (non-prepositional view) In Islam religious authority comes from God via the Quran through the process of tanzil. The Quran tells them about God and gives them guidance this is the book in its guidance is sure without doubt. The Sunnah and the Hadith are also sources of authority. The Sunnah, which is the life example of the Prophet Mohammad, is a source of authority because he was a wise and trustworthy man who settled tribal disputes. The Hadith is also a source of authority because Muslims look to Mohammad because he showed true obedience to Allahs commands. The Imam also has authority, the Shiites believe the Imam possess spiritual ability and divine light but the Sunnis simply see the Imam as a leader of prayer who has no superior status. The Shariah is also part of religious authority because this is the Islamic law for Muslims and it gives all the basic rules and regulations as to how human beings should live and act in a political, economic, social and collective individual spheres. The Shariah looks at family life, inheritance, marriage, food regulations and divorce for example Muslims must eat halal foods, those that have been slaughtered by the neck vein being slit and blood drained whilst the name of Allah is invoked. Muslims follow the Shariah so that they are doing what is good and right according to God and removing evil from society, which works through the process of Greater and Lesser Jihad. Greater Jihad is about establishing maruf (right) and removing munkar (evil) from yourself A Muslim learns to control his own bad desires and actions. Lesser Jihad is the struggle of the Muslim community to remove haram from society. Evil will always exist in society and a Muslim must resist this by showing true dedication to Allahs commands. In Islam Allah is the main source of religious authority and to help Muslims to show they are showing their authority towards God, Muslims believe that Allah allows evil and suffering in the world to see if they do what is right. Muslims have free will and believe that everything is pre-determined and that Allah knows the present, the past and the future of every creature but this does not mean that man has and freedom of will, its just that they have the choice to obey or disobey Allah and that this will show on the day of judgement whether they will go to Heaven/ Hell because all their actions are judged. Religious authority from the Quran is seen to govern every aspect of life for example women in Islam are seen as the most important in the family. She is the one who should keep a halal home and to make sure food and dress laws are kept. The teachings of Islam is that women should have total equality in religion and education but they can never be fully equal, for example the husband has more power but with that comes a lot of responsibilities to perform The man has full responsibility for the maintenance of his family therefore a man has more inheritance than a womens because his need is seen to be greater. Through the 5 Pillars Muslims are seen to be showing obedience to Allahs commands this is because they are a very intense and personal struggle to abide by and through reading the Quran Muslims believe that it enhances there spiritual development because it is the word of God. They believe it is the pure word of God because it is seen to be a perfect copy of a timeless document. In Islam the Quran is more important than the Bile/Torah because they where seen to be distorted to suit their believing communities and the revelations in the Quran are believed to be recorded when Mohammad received them. The other basic beliefs of Islam such as Tawhid are also seen as authority. Tawhid implies that everything is created by Allah; it is the belief in Allah with all his powers. It is a source of authority because this is one way a Muslim fulfils Allahs commands as it reveals Gods loving and caring nature. From a non-religious perspective a philosopher would look to reasoning to emphasise human freedom to make moral choices. They would argue that all of humanity relies upon their conscience to decide what is right and wrong, and for many this authority does not come from God. However from a Christian perspective this higher level of consciousness comes from God. In Islamic terms we gain our conscious awareness from Quranic teachings about Akirah which gives us focus for this temporary life on earth, from taw hid which reveals the qualities of God that we should aim to develop in our own hearts (such as love and compassion), and Al Qadr which ultimately points to a pre-determined path which only God knows about he does not dictate.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Sample Business Plan Essay Example for Free
Sample Business Plan Essay Designing business plan needs critical thinking, innovative concept, intelligent interactions, and positive attitude among colleagues. It is a partnership business of Janessa Johanne T. Ramos and Marie Jessica M. Bustos as a starting point for their career as entrepreneurs of the Republic of the Philippines. It is named Pilipinong Sarap Catering Delights because it has a dual purpose, to cater on-premise and off-premise. Also, we would like our clients to be delighted with the services, food, and the ambiance of the establishment. It’s a kind of service where we will be able to meet the satisfaction of the clienbts through simple, pleasurable and joyful service. We also mainly serve Filipino cuisine. That’s why we called it Pilipinong Sarap because we offer the Filipino favorite dishes. Pilipinong Sarap Catering Delights is located at Prime Square, F. Torres St. , Davao City. Our business is accessible for the customers since our location is located near bars, coffee shops and some other restaurant. Our catering service will be available from 9:00am to 10:00pm as our restaurant will open by 5:00pm to 2:00am. Product and Services Our business is a dual-restaurant that offers catering services on all occasions. We also offer dine-in area where food can be served in the buffet or ala carte orders. We offer Filipino dishes, cakes and pastries, desserts, and beverages. For the meantime, as a starting business, we will be catering a maximum of 100 pax. As a catering business, we will provide food, well and prompt service in supporting professionals, other businesses and social activities of large groups of people like birthdays, weddings, family reunion and other occasions. As Filipinos, we will be serving Filipino favorites like kinilaw, kare-kare, sinigang, barbeques, and a lot more Filipino cuisines. In the near future, we might be able to provide delivery and pick-up as alternatives during all hours of work week. There will also be additional food and menu choices for our customers. This also helps our customers ease of access to our business and improve satisfactory rate.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Overview of Applications to Flavonoids to Cancer
Overview of Applications to Flavonoids to Cancer Flavonoids and its effect on the proliferation of the cells: Published date suggested that flavonoids have capability to inhibit phosphate protein kinases on their specific sites. Flavonoids interact with Akt/PKB (protein-kinase B), tyrosine kinase P1KC (protein-1 kinase C), PI3-kinase (phosphoinositide 3-kinase), and MAP (mitogen-activated protein) kinase signaling pathways. Flavonoids have been reported to activate and inhibit the effects on these signaling pathways by modulating of their gene expressions (Williams et al., 2004). Flavonoids inhibitory mechanism has been proved by altering their receptor phosphorylations or blocking growth factor receptor binding. Flavonoids also inhibit Fyn and Lck protein kinases, involved in T cell signaling transport (Calic et al., 2005). PI3K catalyze productions of PIP1 and PIP2. PIP3 may activate the PDK1 which stimulates the Akt/PKB. Of these effects PDK1 is essential for regulator of cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, migration and apoptosis. Bad, Bcl-2, and caspases proteins are responsible for apoptosis, these can be inhbitied by Akt pathway. Several data have been suggested that flavonoids directly inhibit the PI3K pathway by their interacting their ATP binding sites. MAPK pathway ((ERK2, JNK1 and p38) are responsible for releasing of many survival genes (c-Fos, c-Jun) and those genes which are involved in the antioxidant activity (detoxification enzymes, glutathione S-transferase, glutathione-reductase) have also been activated by low level of quercetin. Anti-cancerous properties of the flavonoids: Flavonoids also have anticancer activities by blocking their cellular mechanism. Flavonoids targets the cell cycle regulator proteins (cycline-dependent kinases and their inhibitors, protein p53 and Rb, E2Fs, ATM/ATR and surviving transition-controlling points G1/S and G2/M) (Sing et al., 2006). Flavopiridol properly inhibits the CDK1-and CDK2 cell regulating pathways (Vermeulen et al., 2003). Cell proliferation and cell viability ratio of the prostate cancer decreased with treatment of quercetin. Quercetin induced apoptosis with down-regulating mechanism of Hsp90 expression of proteins, resulting in the death of cancer cells by inhibiting the cellular growth. (Aalinkeel et al., 2008). Inhibiting cellular growth and DNA synthesis and blockage of cell cycle at S-phase in squamta cells have been reported with quercetin (Haghiac et al., 2005). Querecetin also prevents growth of nasopharyngeal cancer cells via arrest of cell cycle at G1/S phase (Ong et al., 2004). ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase) pathway stimulates the lung cancer which is derived from the A549 cell proliferation have been reported combine inhibitory effects of querecetin and kaempferol (Hung et al., 2007). Quercetin stimulates the protein expressions of p21 and p22 which inhibited the cell cycle in H epG2 cells (Mu C et al., 2007). Quercetin at the concentration of (248uM) down-regulates the mutantp53 expressions which is almost untraceable in the cell lines of the breast cancer. Negative control was too lower as compare to normal gene p53. Quercetin at the dose of 70 uM, having inhibiting activity on cell division, and trysine kinase activity, is an enzyme placed on the cell membrane and is involved in growth factors and signaling transduction in nucleus (Lamson et al., 2000). Scientific data have been reported that flavonoids especially the quercetin having oral anticancer properties. Quercetin inhibits the cellular growth and DNA synthesis depending the dose and timing of the administration. Quercetin induced apoptosis with treatment of caspase-3 proteins after 72 hours, and cell necrosis after 24-48 hours in SCC-9 cells. Flow cytometer studies confirmed cell cycle blockage at S-phase with the treatment of quercetin (Haghiac et al., 2005). Quercetin induced cell proliferation of B16-BL6 after 72 hours and also caused apoptosis in B16-BL6 cells and reduced the expressions of Bcl-2 and anti-apoptotic proteins (Zhang et al., 2000). Anti-apoptotic properties of the flavonoids: Flavonoids have been reported to induce apoptosis process by activating and modulating cellular signaling pathways resulting in death of pre-cancerous and maligne cells, which terminates cancer development or progression. Human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP, treated with different concentrations of quercetin shown to inhibited cell death after 24 hours. Inhibition of Akt survival signals have been activated in the treated cells. Rapid decrease in Ser 136 phosphorylation in Bad that is a Akt target have been reported with treatment of LNCaP and 100 uM of quercetin. Quercetin have been shown to reduce the Bcl-XL, Bx ratio and enhances translocation and multimeriation of Bax in the mitochondrial membrane; cytochrome-c released by translocation, and the caspase 3, 5, 9 proteins and PARB (poli(ADP-ribose)polymerase). Remarkably, quercetin does not induce cellular viability or apoptosis at same concentrations in normal prostatic epithelial cells (Zhanget al., 2000). Exposure of cells for longer time on quercetin induced apoptosis intervened by reduction of thymidylate synthase (Ong et al., 2004). Quercetin induced apoptosis in CNE2 and HK1 cells after 24 hours of treatment and treatment was continued when necrosis was observed. HeLa cells have been exposed on non-toxic flavonoid concentrations which slightly susceptible to TRAIL induced cell death. TRAIL mediated cytotoxicity in HeLa cells was increased by apigenin and ginstein but no effect have been documented with kaempfeol and quercetin (Leeet al., 2008). Luteoline induced cell cytotoxicity by suppressing PI3K/Akt (phosphattidylinositol 3-kinase), NF-kB (nuclear factor kappa B) and XIAP (X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein) and activates of apoptotic pathways, such as p53 protein (Lin et al., 2008 and Lopez-Lazaro., 2009). At high doses majority of the flavonoids suppressors AP-1 activity (activator protein 1) by MAPK (mitogen – activated protein kinase) pathway (Gopalakrishnan et al., 2006). Activation of cellular signaling pathways in cancer and flavonoids: Figures-9. Sources of inflammatory mediators and their origin Figure-7. Some diseases and cancers associated with reactive oxygen species (ROS) Conclusion: Oxidative stress brings the changes into the cells resulting in gene mutation which leads to the carcinogenesis. It brings direct or indirect intra and inter-cellular and intercellular transduction and transcription changes by antioxidants. The role of oxidative stress in carcinogenesis and tumor bearing conditions is complex and various mechanisms and substances are involved. Clinical evidence suggests that oxidative stress and inflammation linked to free radicles over generation may be the key factor in development of chronic diseases, insulin resistance, diabetes, cardiovascular and other diseases. Excessive nutrition, stress in combination with sedentary lifestyle, can independently result in overburden of glucose and fatty acid accumulation with musle, adipose tissue and pancreatic cells. All these factors lead to chronic inflammation resulting in chronic diseases. Published data suggested that the key role of polyphenolic compounds such as flavonoids as therapeutics agents in the inflammatory diseases including obesity, T2DM, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases cancer and aging. Flavonoids are the key modulators of inflammatory molecules. Flavonoids inhibits the AMPK one of the major pathway of inflammation and cancer. Activation of AMPK by flavonoids causes to increase the cancer cell apoptosis, inhibit cell proliferation and some studies suggested that it a neoplastic agent Furthermore, inflammation stimulates various inflammatory mediators, chemokine’s, cytokines, signaling transductions and transcriptional factors; overproduction for long periods may lead to chronic inflammation which in turn to chronic diseases such as neurological diseases and cancer. Better clarification of these mechanisms will be beneficial to the development of efficacious prevention and therapies of inflammation associated cancers. Moreover, effects of flavonoids at molecular mechanism and study also should be carried out on modulatory action; effects on transcription levels of the flavonoids should be studied. Fig-4. Anti-inflammatory activities of the flavonoids SOD- Superoxide dismutase 2- CAT- Catalase 3- GPx- Glutathione peroxidase 4- GR- Glutathione reductase 5- GST- Glutathione S-transferase. 6- ÃŽ ³GCS- ÃŽ ³-glutamylcysteine synthetase 7- NADPH:NQO1- quinone oxidoreductase-1. 8- HSP70- heat shock proteins. 9- MPO- myeloperoxidase 10- iNOS- inducible nitric oxidase synthase. 11- OH Hydroxyl radical. 12- O2 -superoxide radical. 12- MDA- Malondialdehyde 13- IL-2 interlukins-2 14- FMLP- Formyl-Methionyl-Leucyl-Phenylalanine. 15- TNF-ÃŽ ±- Tumor necrosis factor ÃŽ ±. 16- LTB4- Leukotriene B4. 17- LTC4- Leukotriene C4. 18- TXB2- Thomboxane B2 19. PGE2- Prostaglandins e2. 20- NF-ÃŽ ºB- Nuclear Factor Kappa Beta 21- ICAM-1- Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 22- VCAM-1- vascular cell adhesion molecule-1
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Fahrenheit 451: The Hope Of The Phoenix :: essays research papers
Fahrenheit 451: The Hope of the Phoenix The word phoenix had symbolize immortality, but for the people in Fahrenheit 451, their only hope was that the phoenix would be burn out, and be reborn again. The myth of the phoenix gave optimism to the life of Montag, to the books, and to the world of Fahrenheit 451. The world was now dying, and nobody seemed to care, because the government had brainwashed the people. It was a situation, where not only the brave, but the ones who can think for themselves, who can help break the government's control. The life Montag had been a bumpy road. He thought he had a good life, because he enjoyed his job, and was happy. Soon Montag discovered that he was not happy at all, and that his life was nothing. His wife Mildred did not love him at all, and his only friend (that he could remember) Clarisse died in a car crash. All of sudden, he was not happy, but he did not know why. He thought maybe because his wife had pulled the fire alarm on him, but really it was he did not love her at all. "It's strange, I don't miss her at all(155)" Montag had uncertainly about his marriage, because marriage was suppose to be bonded with love, but with his marriage love was extinct and nowhere to be seen. His life had died, when his wife Mildred pulled the alarm and had told the firemen that Montag had books. To Montag, the books was like a sweet piece of candy. He did not know why he liked them, but he always wanted more. But when Captain Beatty forced Montag to burn his own house, Montag's soul had died, but then resurrected. His life which was suppose to be happy was burning right in front of his eyes. How ironic, that Montag was a fireman himself but like the phoenix, Montag rose from his own ashes. Montag was now reborn, because he knew his life was wrong, and that the world was wrong. He did not know why it was wrong, but he knew that he had to do something about it. He started that by burning Captain Beatty into "a charred wax doll(119)". Montag now had the feeling of hope, not much since he believed he could not do anything. But Montag had now broken the control of the government and was using the books as his aid. How ironic, in the real world, people were always talking about how people wasted paper, which mean wasting trees, but in the world of
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Free Narrative Essays - Attitude Is Everything :: Example Personal Narratives
Attitude Is Everything Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation. Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?" Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, 'Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.' I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life." "Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested. "Yes it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life." I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it. Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in the
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Ideal Role for Business in Society
The Ideal Role for Business in Society Introduction Business has been going along since long before money, insurance plans, and global warming were even a glimmer in someone’s mind. The days of trading your skill for what you needed are still present today, but in a much different realm. Most people do not rely on their neighbor to grow vegetables for their family to eat while they herd the sheep. Disposing of chemicals and building a greener society were not a worry on the mind of anyone many moons ago. It has changed and businesses can overlook people’s personal issues, individual need, and impact on the environment. The ideal role for business in society is to treat their employees fairly by providing respectable employment plans that fit individual needs and being greener in society by caring to implement plans to reduce their carbon footprint. Ben and Jerry’s Ben and Jerry’s started out as small ice cream makers in Vermont with a very small company that grew astronomically. They did not intend on having a plan for responsibility to employees, society, and the planet. They are a prime example of how a business that is not focused solely on the bottom line can make a difference in the community and the world. In 2010 to make the company greener they said, â€Å"Our vision is that the entire country will switch over to hydrocarbon (HC) freezers that are significantly more energy-efficient and use gases with lower global warming potential than standard freezers, which use hydrofluorocarbons (HFC). †(Ben and Jerry’s Social and Responsibility Report 2010). They are making effort to do something to improve the environment even if it does cost them some profits. They give back to the community and support jobs with their foundaiton stating, â€Å"Through the Foundation, we’re helping immigrant workers, neighborhood groups, farm workers and dozens of other groups around the country to get organized and fight for a fair deal. In 2011, Ben & Jerry’s contributed $2,180,808 to the Foundation based on the 2010 sales of the Company. †(Ben and Jerry’s Social and Responsibility Report 2010). These are all things Ben and Jerry’s or any corporation could certainly overlook ithout many reprocussions , but being outardly accountable and charitable makes them a more appealing company to buy from. This also leads the way in showing other corporations that you can make a difference in the world, grow as a company, and be responsible. The Walt Disney Corportation When I think of The Walt Disney Company I think of fun amusement parks, Mickey Mouse, and entertaining childern’s movies. They are much more than that step ping up to the challenge of being reposible as a corporation to its employees and the environment. Disney has a very focused plan to do their part in the environment as shown in the chart below. (The Walt Disney Company 2010 Corporate Citizen Report) The goals and plan they have to minimize the effects of on the environment is something every company should be doing, and having it available for the public to read is another positive apect. The employees at disney receive opportunity to pursue further education and get great benefits packages. They state, â€Å"But we know your life isn't just about work. You have additional things going on – family, friends, personal interests, education and more. The Walt Disney Company offers a comprehensive total rewards package that helps you live your best life, grow personally and professionally, and get rewarded for the results you deliver. †(Disney Careers. Total Rewards). This leads me to believe that Disney has a vested interest in the employees they hire and care about them as individuals. Tyson I see a commercial for some hungry teenagers and how Tyson chicken nuggets or strips satisfies their cravings, but I rarely stop to think if they treat their employees fairly or the environment. Tyson is a leading corporation that does care saying, â€Å"We offer one of the best benefit packages, not just in the industry but in the nation. †(Tyson Corporation. Tyson Benefits. ) They a great plan for all realms of health care, stock options, retirement plans, a full service credit union, education and leadership training, discounts on all products. They participate in hundreds of community events, showing they care about the public. Tyson also is striving o not just follow the guidelines of the law but to go above and beyond to protect the enviornemnt, â€Å"For Tyson Foods, protecting the environment is about more than maintaining compliance with the environmental laws and regulations applicable to our operations. It’s about embracing a process of continual improvement aimed at protecting the environment for future generations. †(Tyson. Sustainablity Report. Planet). They recyle, reduce amount of water used, evaluate using an alternative fuel source, r educe packing waste, conserve energy, and reduce the number of trucks on the road. They are focused on the future and know that playing their part is not just about following the law but providing more for the community and the environment. Strengths| Weakness| Opportunities | Threats| Improving the quality of life for employees| Losing profits from spending time and money on things other than the product or service| To gain customers from being a reputable company| You may go out of business by focusing too much on these other items| Helping the environment| Stockholders may think this a waste of funds| Recognized as a company that does more for society| Bottom line is effected | SWOT Analysis For Tyson Foods, protecting the environment is about more than maintaining compliance with the environmental laws and regulations applicable to our operations. It’s about embracing a process of continual improvement aimed at protecting the environment for future generations. For Tyson Foods, protecting the environment is about more than maintaining compliance with the environmental laws and regulations applicable to our operations. It’s about embracing a process of continual improvement aimed at protecting the environment for future generations. For Tyson Foods, protecting the environment is about more than maintaining compliance with the environmental laws and regulations applicable to our operations. It’s about embracing a process of continual improvement aimed at protecting the environment for future generations. Conclusion Corporations need to be responsible while still earning a resonable profit to continue thriving, changing, and becoming better. â€Å"Doing no harm beyond meeting legal requirements regarding the environment, conditions of employement, community relationtions, and ethics. The law always lags behind the best practice. †(Charles Handy What is a Business for). It is the corporations reposnsibility to step up and take action instead of being forced to by law or any other orgainzaitons. Corporations need to start doing more and providing the information to the public so we can see that they are actually making not just a profit but a change to make the world a better place. Sources Ben and Jerrys. Social and Environmental Assesment Report 2010. http://www. benjerry. com/company/sear/2010/index. cfm Harvard Business Review. What is a Business for. Charles Handy. (Page 7) The Walt Disney Company. The Walt Disney Company 2010 Corporate Citizen Report 2010. http://corporate. disney. go. com/CITIZENSHIP2010/environment/overview/ourapproach/ The Walt Disney Company. Disney Careers Total Rewards. http://disneycareers. com/en/working-here/total-rewards/ Tyson Corporation. Careers. Why Tyson. Tyson Benefits. http://www. tysonfoodscareers. com/Why-Tyson-Foods/Benefits. aspx Tyson Corporation. Sustainablitity Report 2010. Planet 4. 0. http://www. tysonfoods. com/Sustainability/2010/Planet. aspx
Monday, September 16, 2019
Gary Soto Guilt Essay Essay
Guilt is the price we pay willingly for doing what we are going to do anyway -Isabelle Holland. Guilt is something we create for ourselves. In the passage, Gary Soto emphasizes how guilty, paranoid, and shameful he felt in his inner conscience after stealing an apple pie. He expresses his guilt, shame, and paranoia by describing his outer self, his inner self, and the people around him. How Soto describes his inner self emphasizes on how fearful he is. The great sense of paranoia that overcame him caused him to believe that the people around him knew about his sinful deed of stealing the pie. A car honked and the driver knew. Mrs. Hancock stood on her lawn, hands on hip, and she knew. My mom, peeling a mountain of potatoes at the Red-Spud factory, knew. Soto also says that the pie tin glared at him and rolled away when the wind picked up. This impossible image exposes the fear in Sotos mind that even the pie tin is aware of his corrupt actions. Religion also causes Gary Soto to feel shameful and disgraceful. His references to God and being thirsty reveal his fear. Soto playing with his frisbee, states I flung it again until I was bored and tired†and â€Å"I returned home to drink water†, Soto attempts to get away from the anguish of his guilt by playing around and distracting himself. He also refers to Adam and Eve and their thirst after taking the forbidden fruit. Soto refers to himself and young and innocent, holy in every bone. However, he still steals the pie, and is paranoid of punishment from God for the rest of the day. How Soto describes his outer-self emphasizes on how ashamed and disgusted he was about himself stealing the pie. He refers to the sweat under his arms as the juice of guilt. As if sweat isnt gross enough, when described as juice, from guilt, its quite repulsive. Gary Soto obviously felt disgusted with himself, and nervous, after committing this crime. When Cross-Eyed Johnny whispers to him, Your hands are dirty, Soto takes it literally in a way, his hands sticky and dripping. Soto, feeling gluttonous and dirty, and took Cross-Eyed Johnnys comment as an insult, saying he felt bad, and even more guilty. By emphasizing the effects of paranoia, religion, and feelings of shame, Gary Soto is able to revive and recreate his traumatic childhood experience. His paranoia caused his intense insecurity and anxiety about everyone and everything around him, whereas the ideas of religion emphasized morally in ethical values of the sin he has committed. The shame Gary Soto felt led to regret in the bad deed he has committed and awakened his moral conscience that he has done something wrong and enjoyed it. Because of these three major factors, Gary Soto has clearly revived his experience of his first theft as a young innocent child.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Health Cruises Case
Health Cruises Case Read the Health Cruises Case and submit answers to the following questions. 1. What is the minimum number of passengers Health Cruises must sign up by November 20th to break even? [show your calculations] Considering that an average ticket price is $1500 and the cost per passenger is $200, each sold ticket generates $1,300 of the positive cash flow. Since $295,000 of the initial capital had been spent by November 14th, the following minimum number of passengers must sign up in order for Health Cruises to break even provided no more money is invested: Minimum passengers to break even = $295,000 / $1,300 = 227. 2. Should Health Cruises go ahead with the cruise since 200 people have signed up by November 14th? Why or why not? Health Cruises should go ahead with the cruise in any event. If the cruise is canceled, $295,000 of the already spent capital would become a total loss. Even if no more passengers sign up, the loss would be only $35,000, i. e. (200 * $1,300) – $295,000. 3. The advertising agency has proposed two alternative campaigns to help fill the boat. One will cost $6000 and the other would cost $15,000. Which would you suggest? [again, show your calculations]. If 20 additional passengers sign up and pay on average $1,500 as expected with the limited advertising campaign which cost $6,000, the net earnings (loss) of the cruise will be as followed: EBIT = (220 * $1,300) – ($295,000 + $6,000) = -$15,000. (A loss of $15,000) If 40 additional passengers sign up and pay on average $1,500 as expected with the more ambitious advertising campaign, the net earnings of the cruise will be as followed: EBIT = (240 * $1300) – ($295,000 + $15,000) = $15,500. (A profit of $15,500) To summarize, the ambitious advertising campaign is more beneficial for the Health Cruises’ bottom line than the limited advertising campaign. 4. Should Health Cruises consider cutting its prices for this trip? Why or why not? What other factors could impact the go/no-go decision in addition to the break even? Since even with the ambitious advertising complain there is a distinct possibility that the cruise will be short of its full capacity by 60 passengers, the cutting cruise prices may provide an increase in the profit beyond expected $15,500 (with the ambitious advertising campaign) due to more ticket sold. Assuming that it is possible to sign up additional 100 passengers if the ambitious advertising campaign also offers reduced ticket prices, we can calculate that the minimum average ticket price that that passengers should pay and still provide for the $15,500 profit: MinTicketPrice = ($35,000 + $15,000 + $15,500) / 100 + $200 = $855, where $35,000 is loss as November 14th, $15,000 is the advertising campaign cost, $15,500 is the minimum profit, and $200 is cost per passenger. Ideally the cruise profit could be maximized by adjusting the ticket price in response to demand and supply. However, even if additional tickets are offered outright at an average price of $1,200 (a 20% discount) in order to generate enough demand to sell the remaining 100 tickets the cruise earnings can be calculated as follow: EBIT = (200 * $1300) + (100 * $1000) – ($295,000 + $15,000) = $50,000. Note that $200 cost for passenger is deducted from ticket prices in the above calculation. The only risk with such a price reduction is that the reduced price would not be able to generate enough demand to sell all remaining 100 tickets. However, the cruise still would break even if 50 tickets are sold at an average price of $1,200 and the cruise profit would exceed the target $15,500 if more than 65 tickets are sold at this reduced price. A 20% price reduction is just an example to drive the point. The Health Cruises management may have some marketing data to help to come with a more appropriate number. It does not appear that there are any factors (even the break even should not be a factor with 200 tickets sold and $295,000 spent) other than a bad business practice that could impact the go/no-go decision. Health Cruises, Inc. Health Cruises, Inc. packages cruises to Caribbean islands such as Martinique and the Bahamas. Like conventional cruises, the packages are designed to be fun. But the cruise is structured to help participants become healthier by breaking old habits, such as smoking and overeating. The Miami-based firm was conceived by Susan Isom, 30, a self-styled innovator and entrepreneur. Prior to this venture, she had spent several years in North Carolina promoting a behavior-modification clinic. Isom determined that many people were very concerned about developing good health habits, yet they seemed unable to break away from their old habits because of the pressures of day-to-day living. She reasoned that they might have a chance for much greater success in a pleasant and socially supportive environment, where good health habits were fostered. Accordingly, she established Health Cruises, Inc. , hired 10 consulting psychologists and health specialists to develop a program, and chartered a ship. DeForrest Young, a Miami management consultant, became the chairperson of Health Cruises. Seven of Isom’s business associates contributed an initial capital outlay totaling more than $250,000. Of this amount, $65,000 went for the initial advertising budget, $10,000 for other administrative expenses, and $220,000 for the ship rental and crew. Mary Porter, an overweight Denver schoolteacher, has signed up to sail on a two-week cruise to Nassau, departing December 19. She and her shipmates will pay an average of $1,500 for the voyage. The most desirable staterooms cost $2,200. Mary learned of the cruise by reading the travel section of her Sunday newspaper on October 16. On that date, the Pittsford and LaRue Advertising Agency placed promotional notices for the cruise in several major metropolitan newspapers. Mary was fascinated by the idea of combining therapy sessions with swimming, movies, and an elegant atmosphere. Pittsford and LaRue account executive Carolyn Sukhan originally estimated that 300 people would sign up for the cruise after reading the October 16 ads, but as of November 14 only 200 had done so. Isom and Health Cruises, Inc. faced an important decision. â€Å"Here’s the situation as I see,†explained a disturbed Ms. Isom at the Health Cruises board meeting. â€Å"We’ve already paid out more than a quarter of a million to get this cruise rolling. It’s going to cost us roughly $200 per passenger for the two weeks, mostly for food. Pittsford and LaRue predicted that 300 people would respond to the advertising campaign, but we’ve only got 200. I see three basic options: (1) we cancel the cruise and take our losses; (2) we run the cruise with the 200 and a few more that will trickle in over the next month, or (3) we shell some more money and hope that we will pull in more people. My recommendation to the board is that we try to recruit more passengers. There are simply too many empty rooms on that ship. Each one costs us a bundle. †At this point, Carolyn Sukhan addressed the board: â€Å"I’ve worked out two possible advertising campaigns for the November 20 papers. The first, the limited campaign, will cost $6,000. I estimate that it will bring in some 20 passengers. The more ambitious campaign, which I personally recommend, would cost $15,000. I believe this campaign will bring in a minimum of 40 passengers. I realize our first attempt was somewhat disappointing, but we’re dealing here with a new concept, and a follow-up ad might work with many newspaper readers who were curious and interested when they read our first notice. †â€Å"One thing is absolutely certain,†Sukhan emphasized. â€Å"We must act immediately if there’s any hope of getting more people on board. The deadline for the Sunday papers is in less than 48 hours. If our ads don’t appear by this weekend, you can forget it. No one signs up in early December for a December 18 sailing date. Isom interrupted, shaking her head. â€Å"I just don’t know what to say. I’ve looked over Carolyn’s proposals and they’re excellent, absolutely first-rate. But our one problem, to be blunt, is money. Our funds are tight and our investors are already nervous. I get more calls each day, asking me where the 300 passengers are. It won’t be easy to squeeze another $6,000 out o f these people. And to ask them for $15,000 – well, I just don’t know how we’re going to be able to justify it. â€
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Cosmopolitans and Locals
Cosmopolitans and locals â€Å"If there were only locals in the world, world culture would be no more than the sum of its separate parts†. Hannerz 1990:249 Ulf Hannerz (1990) argues that the world culture is created through the increasing interconnectedness of varied local cultures where people connect in different ways. He uses Robert Merton's cosmopolitan-local distinctions in a global context, to describe how people identify themselves with the global or not. The term `cosmopolitan' is often used rather loosely to describe just about anybody who moves around in the world. But of such people, Hannerz argue some would seem more cosmopolitans than others and others again hardly cosmopolitans at all. He describes a genuine cosmopolitanism as first of all an orientation – a willingness to engage with the other. The willingness to become involved with the other, and the concern with achieving competence in cultures, which are initially alien, is central. Being on the move is not enough to turn into a cosmopolitan. Due to this Hannerz ask a crucial question: Are tourists, exiles, business people and labour migrants cosmopolitans? And if not: Why? A contemporary writer, Paul Theroux (1986), comments that many people travel for the purpose of `home plus'. They seem cosmopolitans but are really locals at heart. Spain is home plus sunshine, India is home plus servants etc. For business people travel is ideally home plus more and better business. The `plus' has often nothing to do with alien systems of meaning, and a lot to do with facts of nature, such as nice beaches or sunshine. The exiles are often no real cosmopolitan either, because their involvement with an alien culture is something that has been forced on them. At best, life in another country is home plus safety or home plus freedom. For labour migrants going away may be home plus higher income and their involvement with another culture is a necessary cost to be kept as low as possible (Hannerz 1990). Transnational cultures today tend to be occupational cultures (and are often tied to transnational job markets). Konrad (1984) emphasises the transnational culture of intellectuals for instance. â€Å"The global flow of information proceeds on many different technical and institutional levels, but on all levels the intellectuals are the ones who know most about one another across the frontiers, who keep in touch with one another, and who feel that they are one another's allies†¦ †Konrad 1984: 208 Hannerz add that there are transnational occupational cultures also of bureaucrats, politicians, business people, journalists and diplomats, and various others. These people shift their bases for longer periods within their lives and wherever they go they'll find others who will interact with them in the terms of specialised but collectively held understandings. Hannerz argue that because of the transnational cultures, a large number of people are nowadays systematically and directly involved with more than one culture. The transnational and territorial cultures of the world are entangled with one another in manifold ways. Some transnational cultures are more insulated from local practises than others and the transnational cultures are also as wholes usually more marked by some territorial culture than by others. However, most of them are in different ways extensions or transformations of the culture of Western Europe and North America.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Beliefs of Malcolm X
Beliefs of Malcolm X Cheyanne Ratliff 1. When Malcolm X believes when he receives an â€Å"X†is that it is an ex form of himself. He elaborated by saying that it is supposed to â€Å"[replace] the white slave master name of â€Å"little†which some blue-eyed devil named Little had imposed on my paternal forebears,†(MX, 229). His statement is correct because many of the African Americans in America were brought over from Africa by Europeans. This means that it was not the identity of his oppressor, but of the black man himself. Although they used this excuse, there was a bit of a social privilege to not being truly African. On page 4, Malcolm X states that â€Å"[m]ost Negro parents in those days would almost instinctively treat any lighter children better than they did the darker ones. It came directly from the slavery tradition that the â€Å"mulatto,†because he was visibly nearer to white, was therefore â€Å"better†,†(MX, 4-5). What this suggests is t he impact the white slave owners have had on the ancestors of blacks and how they have been raised to think like that. It means that those who are lighter tend to have a higher social privilege because of how slave owners implied that if you were lighter, you were whiter. 2. Malcolm describes how the black people are tired of the treatment of colored men and women by the police, also known as police brutality. In MX, he states that â€Å"[i]t is a miracle that 22 million black people have not risen up against their oppressors-in which they would have been justified by all moral criteria, and even by the democratic tradition,†(MX, 251). This states that Malcolm is surprised about how the black Americans have not risen up yet against their oppressors the police. Although it seems as if the police have been nothing but brutal towards black Americans, that does not always seem to be the case. In the chapter â€Å"Black Muslims†, Malcolm states that â€Å"[l]aw agencies once had scoffed at our nation as â€Å"black crackpots†; now they took special pains to safeguard against some â€Å"white crackpots†causing any â€Å"incidents†or accidents,†(MX, 252). This supports the rebuttal because it shows how although the police always seemed more hostile and aggressive towards the black people of that time, they eventually managed to see that black people needed protection too, just as the white man needed. 3. What Malcolm X is doing is he is finding the differences between segregation and separation. On page 250 of MX, he describes segregation as â€Å"when your life and liberty are controlled, regulated, by someone else,†(MX, 251) and separation as â€Å"that which is done voluntarily, by two equals- for the good of both,†(MX, 251). The difference that Malcolm X is pointing out is that with segregation, you are regulated by somebody else, compared to separation, which is when you are regulated by yourself. This conveys the wishes that many black Americans have because many of them wish to not be controlled by the white man. Although they were segregated, they still had control over their own lives. Theoretically, they let the white man back them into a corner, which then calls for them to attack and lash back in order to protect themselves and/or their community. In the book â€Å"Things Fall Apart†, Okonkwo let the white Christian missionaries back him into a corner, which then caused him to lash out and kill himself in order to protect himself and his community. Theoretically, if they had refused the push of the white man towards that corner, they could have easily been on a faster track to equality. 4. This statement is valid because it shows how the black Americans have never been free to actually act for themselves in the sense of controlling their own communities. Similar to the last question, they have been backed into a corner. He states that separation is when †Å"†that which is done voluntarily, by two equals- for the good of both,†(MX, 251). Because the blacks are not able to completely separate from the white people, they cannot reach their full potential and power. This relates to when a dog is abused by its â€Å"owner†, then they can never really function by their own means. 5. Malcom X is describing how the black hustler in the â€Å"ghetto jungles†has to survive. By saying the ghetto hustler is the â€Å"most dangerous black man in America†(MX, 318), he is talking from experience AND what he has observed. On page 173, Malcolm X describes his observations as scary because â€Å"it had taught [him] in a very few minutes to have a whole lot of respect for the human combustion that is packed among the hustlers and their young admirers who live in the ghettoes where the Northern white man has sealed-off the Negro-away from whites-for a hundred years,†(MX, 318-319). What quotation suggests is that these young people who admire the hustlers, those who are considered the â€Å"most dangerous black [men] in America†(MX, 318) are considered that because they have the most influence upon the youth, which is the next generation. This means that because the black hustlers depend on the youth, this is how they survive and keep that â€Å"black hustler legacy†going. Although this may suggest that this is where all of their power comes from in order to survive, it is not. Earlier in the book, Malcom X describes his own accord of how it works; †I was a true hustler-uneducated, unskilled at anything honorable, and I considered myself nervy and cunning enough to live by my own wits, exploiting any prey that presented itself,†(MX, 111). This quote from himself suggests that he lived by his own wits because he thought he was all that, and he became very popular among the ranks. What this quote makes people realize is that power comes from within, and that when you create an image of yourself, that power inside of you is what causes that image to come true. 6. What Malcolm X is differentiating between is the stereotype of how a white man acts like, and what a black man acts like. What this suggests is that black people, in order to be accepted, they depend upon the stereotype of the white man and decide to try and follow that to be accepted. An example of this is when Malcolm X states that â€Å"[t]he only difference was that the ones in Boston had been brainwashed even more thoroughly. They prided themselves on being incomparably more â€Å"cultured,†â€Å"cultivated,†â€Å"dignified,†â€Å"and better off than their black brethren down in the ghetto, which was no further away than you could throw a rock. Under pitiful misapprehension that it would make then â€Å"better,†these Hill Negroes were breaking their backs trying to imitate white people,†(MX, 42). This suggests that black people wil l try to imitate white people in order to seem more appealing to them. The quotation describes how societal pressures were even more severe than they are today. Before coming to a conclusion though, we must consider how the white man did not always intentionally discriminate. On page 174 of MX, he describes the cause of the black man’s condition was because of the â€Å"white man’s society [being] responsible for the black man’s condition in this wilderness of North America.†This quotation says that although there is social pressures from the white man, his society implements even more social pressures than the white man does himself. It suggests that the black community itself is more socially pressuring than the white man’s community is at times. A connection to this is from the book The Pearl by John Steinbeck, when the richer society who lived inside the gate had societal pressures pushed upon those who live outside the wall, those who lived outside of the wall developed even stronger, negative societal pressure that basically said ‘if you don’t live inside the wall you’re unsuccessful’. This eventually pushed Kino to go crazy, just because he wanted money to get into the inside of the wall. Those snooty black brethren who stuck their noses up at their brothers and sisters in the ghettoes were like Kino, and they drove themselves crazy trying to fit into an ideal placed in their heads by themselves and those around them. 7. To begin with, Hajj means pilgrimage. In order for Malcolm X and all separationists (in MX’s eyes) to achieve their goal, they must remain united. In the book, Malcolm X says that â€Å"for the black man in America the only solution is complete separation from the white man,†(MX, 250) and that â€Å"Islam is the hope for justice and equality in the world we must build tomorrow,†(MX, 241). Malcolm X here basically says that we must separate from the white men and all join Islam in order to complete their destined pilgrimage. Although this seems like the perfect solution, this is far from it. This was similar to when Hitler believed that there was only one pure race and that they should all be â€Å"separated†to be perfect, just as Malcolm X believed that there was only one way that black people could be perfect, and that was separated under the state of Islam. This is a â€Å"one right way†mindset that could potentially be dangerous if it is not handled properly. 8. America is seem as a major place full of discrimination in all parts of the world. To support this, Malcolm X states that they called them â€Å"[h]ate teachers†â€Å"violence seekers†††black racists†â€Å"black fascists†â€Å"anti-Christian†â€Å"possibly communist inspired†,†(MX, 243). This all started because of a few racist whites had collected footage and lied about the intention s of Malcolm X and Mr. Muhammad. This is a prime example of how the Americans perceived them beause they were not only black, but also Muslim. Although this produced hate and more discrimination, it made black Muslims stronger and more powerful. This is similar to how people saw the Baton Rouge bus boycott of 1953 as a bad thing, but really it made those boycotting even stronger and more powerful. It did that because it eventually made people realize â€Å"hey maybe this is wrong.†Although this is not the case in MX, the amount of attention is similar to the amount pf attention that the bus boycott got in 1953. 9. When Malcolm X suggests when he says â€Å"thinking internally†is that the American power structure does not want them to realize how powerful they could be. Malcolm X describes this behavior as selfish when he says â€Å"he loves himself so much that he is startled if he discovers that his victims don’t share his vainglorious self-opinion,†(MX 243). What this means is that if the white man pressures black people into believing one thing about themselves, and the black people do not agree, then the white man would lash out, almost like an angry toddler. A connection to this is similar to when Donald Trump tries to convince people of one thing, and when they don’t believe it, he turns into a ‘crybaby’. But, this is not always the case. On page 318, MX describes the ghettoes, and how the people within them are preconditioned to think that they must â€Å"fight to survive†. What this suggests is that the white man’s tactics had been successful and basically â€Å"cornered†them into believing this is where they belong. This is a similar example to when you keep telling a dog that it is a bad dog. It is eventually going to believe that and not try to change that mindset. 10. When Malcolm X writes that â€Å"the seeds of racism are so deeply rooted many whites are even unaware of their own racism†( MX, 369-370) , he is basically saying that the hate of blacks has been passed on for so long, it has practically become tradition. And with tradition, there is always a wish for change, so blacks were always pushed to become lighter or to act more ‘white’. In The Autobiography of Malcolm X , Malcolm X says â€Å"I remember that I thought that it looked as if my father’s strong black face had been dusted with flour, and I wished they hadn’t put on such a lot of it†(MX, 11). What MX is saying by this is that he wished that they wouldn’t have tried to have his father look lighter because it strayed the thought of his strong, deep ebony father he had etched into his mind. This could be related to how when certain family members die, their kids do not want certain things done to those family members because it takes away from the thought of them they already have in their heads. But, sometimes the families will go again st embracing their loved ones wishes. For example, on page 8 of The Autobiography of Malcolm X, MX talks about how his ) mom would make him go outside to â€Å"[l]et the sun shine on [him] so [he] can get some color.†(MX, 8). What this suggests is that even though MX was okay with his skin color and the lightness/darkness of it, his mother still pressured him to get MORE color because that was her tradition, or hoe she was raised. This is similar to how President Obama had to think about his traditions and values before he made any decisions, like all presidents have done/ will do. 11. MX is basically suggesting that this mass genocide had welcomed them into the system, and now they needed to be accepted. The best way to be accepted though, in MX’s eyes, was to revolt. On page 375 he praises the revolt saying that â€Å"the negroes so-called â€Å"revolt†is merely an asking to be accepted into the existing system!†(MX, 375). This suggests that the bl ack people believe that they have to fight their way to earn recognition and respect within the system, like they grew up believing. This is similar to how many of the young hustlers grew up seeing pimps and hustlers fighting in the streets to survive, learning from them how they need to fight to survive like that too. But, even though they needed to fight to get into the system, there were many placed throughout the U.S that had accepted the black people into their systems. This proved good, but few people saw it. 12. MX is basically calling to arms for the black people to â€Å"take no shit†. He believes, through the massive rallies that â€Å"were [an] astounding success†he had helped raise awareness, and now they needed to do whatever possible to keep that awareness up and continue with pursuing equal rights. Even though there isn’t really a rebuttal for this, I feel as if MX had to convince himself of that too, considering when the press came at him afte r the film â€Å"The Hate That Hate Produced†aired, he had to consult Mr. Muhammad on what to do because he hadn’t stayed confident enough in himself OR his followers to believe that they were strong enough to keep earning those rights. This is similar to when he believed that things would not get better for him in jail, so he had to depend on his God for help and guidance. 13. What Malcom X is saying is that the white man has preconditioned the black man for a life of crime and discrimination! To support this, he states on page 248 that many black men were converted to the white man’s way of thinking because of money or promises of a better life, so they became â€Å"black bodies with white heads†(MX 248). This means that they would give up anything for a better life, because they knew that the one that they were living at that moment wouldn’t’ve gotten them anywhere in life, so they became one with the enemy. Although this was the case , many black people had switched sides due to all of the negativity towards MX and Elijah Muhammad and their teachings due to â€Å"The Hate That Hate Produced†. This is similar to when you are in a car crash and hurt your neck, so if you try to move it or anything, you will just hurt it more because of the problems that are already there. Reflection 1. The most novel claim was that traditions could be pressured onto other people who weren’t associated with those people to begin with. It was novel because it was true, otherwise racism and discrimination would not have occurred. 2. page 243 and 251 (Questions 9+2) 3. Danya’s explaination of how the blacks were preconditioned to live and think a certain way, and Liz’s which piggybacked upon that. 4. This is similar to when you are in a car crash and hurt your neck, so if you try to move it or anything, you will just hurt it more because of the problems that are already there. 5. Question two bec ause it provided a lot of discussion. 6. Question twelve because I went so in depth with it because it interested me.
Euthanasia Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Euthanasia - Term Paper Example Burgess (2005) explained the conditions that enable natural selection: 1) Genetic variation must be present to propel evolution, where the root is â€Å"random mutation†that pertains to the DNA making copying errors during cell division; 2) Nonrandom selection of genetic changes happen because of the adaptive needs of surviving in the environment; and 3) Organisms have mechanisms that pass these changes from one generation to the next through a â€Å"self-copying DNA molecule†(p.5). Hence, the basic foundation of evolution is genetic diversity. Euthanasia can be studied from an evolutionary perspective, in that it can either support or oppose it, depending on whose thinking and principles are involved (Stewart-Williams, 2010, p.269). The evolutionary perspective can provide justifications for it, or rejection of its fundamental proponents’ assumptions and arguments (Persaud, 2007, p.340). When searching keywords in â€Å"euthanasia,†â€Å"evolution*,â € and â€Å"anthropology,†in EBSCO database and Google, however, it becomes apparent that not many studies focus on examining euthanasia from an evolutionary perspective. ... The writer of the paper has heard of friends and distant family members, whose elderly or very sick relatives called for euthanasia. None of them admitted, however, of approving such requests, because they thought that euthanasia is inhumane and against their personal and religious beliefs. They did not think that it was right to take another person’s life, no matter how much that person wanted it. They assert that life is sacred and that even suffering is not enough reason to support euthanasia. The writer wants to further understand the evolution of these beliefs using relevant articles, especially tracing back euthanasia practices in ancient times. Thus, the main rationale of conducting the study is to respond to the literature gap and to further study a personal concern regarding the evolution of beliefs in and practices of euthanasia. Preliminary Review of Literature Euthanasia generally refers to the taking of someone’s life after the express request of the latter , with the main purpose of ending suffering and pain. Today, there are two kinds of euthanasia, which has its variations: active and passive euthanasia. Passive euthanasia refers to removing the life support of a person, and allowing nature to take its course for the dying patient. Some examples are removing respirators or stopping medicine provision. Active euthanasia, on the contrary, consists of direct action, usually through a doctor. Several examples are administering lethal injection or giving medicine that can hasten death. Some forms of active euthanasia may involve relatives of the patient who approve of euthanasia because the latter is no longer conscious for a long time and may have no hope of being awake again. Active euthanasia may
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